Let's do this!

Hi, my name is Sam, I'm 20 years old and I weigh 190 ibs. This is the biggest I've ever been & there's no way I'm going to go over 190. I decided to try myfitnesspal and I even bought an activity tracker to keep me motivated & stay active so I'm really excited to get started. Feel free to add me so we can motivate eachother on this journey :)


  • RonkyCats
    RonkyCats Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! I'm around the same weight as you so i know what's happening haha I love new friends so you can add me if you want :smiley:
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    Hey Pam. Please feel free to send me an add request. Good luck
  • Pam... I just barely started this two days ago and I would like help and motivation as well. I'm 31 and need lose over 50 lbs. I can't wait to get back in shape. Feel free to add me :).
  • snsolare
    snsolare Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's Sam you guys not Pam! :D
  • Sorry duh!! Sam! :)