Only need to loose 10-15 pounds but no results

I've been trying to loose 10-15 pounds for the last 3 week and I'm not seeing any results


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    What are you doing to try to lose the weight? In other words, did you figure out your daily caloric requirements to maintain and then are you eating under that level? Are you measuring/weighing your food and tracking it in order to keep a log of your calories? Are you doing any exercise and then adding back in calories to what you eat? At its most base level, weight loss comes down to calories in (what we eat) vs calories out (what we burn.) But there are a ton of factors that can affect those two numbers. If you give a bit more info as to how you are trying to lose weight, we may be able to help more.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    We'll need a little more information to help you out. You may also want to make your diary public so we can see what you've been doing for the past three weeks.

    Some general information that might help:

    1. Weigh everything you eat to determine accurate calorie counts. If you aren't weighing, you may be underestimating portion sizes and eating more calories than you think you are.
    2. Be sure you're logging everything you're eating. Extra little bites, the piece of chocolate from a co-worker's desk, three pieces of gum... that all adds up.
    3. Be wary of MFP's calorie burns for exercise. A lot of the entries end up being overinflated. Most people suggest that you only eat half of what MFP gives you for extra calories to be on the safe side.
    4. If you have your activity level set to anything other than sedentary, don't enter in your exercise unless it's something above and beyond your usual routine.
  • It is hard to notice a lot in three weeks. Dont get discouraged yet.
  • Thank you all I really appreciate your feedback. I will try to keep being accurate.