New beginning and a long way to go

RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself

I'm terrible at introductions so bear with me, please.

I'm 48, married, no children. I live with depression/anxiety disorder for which I am medicated.

I've just gone through a bunch of medical tests that have basically declared me healthy, except for my weight. I need to lose over 200 lbs. For some reason, having to fast for two of the tests got me to thinking that if I can not eat for two days and survive, I really should be able to get a grip on my eating. I don't think this is necessarily logical but I'm going to go with it.

I know I can do fine during the work day, but evenings and days off will be my big problems. I know I'm an emotional eater as well as someone who eats from boredom and habit.

My husband is very supportive but he doesn't understand the difficulties that come with depression and anxiety and being the size I am. He's very much a Just Do It kind of guy. On the other hand, I know that where exercise is concerned, I haven't even been doing what I can do.

In this journey I've just begun I know I need to be honest with myself, aware of my actions, and probably more than a little obsessive about paying attention to what I put into my body, why and how much, as well as, honouring my body, by allowing it to be as active as possible, as much as possible.

I've been on the site two days now, I'm enjoying reading the forums and blog posts and look forward to getting to know people here.


  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on taking your first step. I keep trying to take my first step.
    I also have anxiety, depression, and Bipolar. The meds they have put me on has made me gain 30 pounds in two months and that has made my anxiety worse!!!
    I sent you a friend request.
    Good luck!
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    welcome this site is so informative and the people here are so inspiring... please feel free to add me.. I do understand what you are going through... I myself have anxiety attacks and it has had a real issue on my life... Im learning to be a new person and this site has helped so much... Hugs
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Hey hey Familiar...

    Haha by the way...when you say you are terrible at intros...that is ACTUALLY the PERFECT intro.:smile:

  • alana926
    alana926 Posts: 33
    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • qianamac
    qianamac Posts: 2
    It's definitely a struggle! I am an emotional eater as well. I have also battled depression but never to the point where I was medicated. There are people here to support you. My name is Qiana, I am online quite a bit so when you fill like reaching for something bad just log on and chat! What sort of work out and meal plan are you planning on doing?
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Welcome! I know that for me deciding to do something was the hardest part! sent you a friend request :-)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Wow, People. Hi there.

    Qiana... I'm not following a formal diet or exercise plan though that may well change after another appointment with my doc. Right now I'm simply making 'smarter' choices food wise. In other words, portion control, lean protein, fresh veg and fruit, and calorie tracking. Excercise wise, strength training using bands and walking, twice a week. I know that I'm starting slow but past experience has shown me that jumping in feet first means failure, so hopefully slow steady progression will mean the opposite.
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    Making smarter choices is the way to go!! So you already have a great start. I started out at 315 lbs and am down to 300 by doing just that. It was not easy. It was a struggle for me every single moment to make the right decision. But the longer you do it the easier it gets. WE cant live our lives following a strict diet. It will work for a short period of time but sooner or later we get burnt out and have learned nothing about what it really takes to stay healthy. Baby steps create amazing changes! I honestly think you are amazing for just making the decision to make a change. If you ever wanna chat feel free to add me on Facebook. Trista Bowman. will shoot you a friend request on here now. Oh.. and welcome! lol
  • smiley-signs060.gif

    Hello!!!! And Welcome!!!! Congrats on getting started. I know you will love this site...everyone here are soooo supportive and inspirational!!! Feel free to add me if you would like :) i would love to be a part of your journey!!! Connie
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