Sit ups?

How can you learn to do sit ups on your own? I have never been able too do them and dont see myself able either. So how can i help/teach myself too do sit ups? As i always get worried it will be in dvds etc n i wont be able to do it :( xxx


  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I do crunches (not going all the way up), but when I did situps I just hooked my feet under something heavy (generally the sofa) and crossed my arms over my chest (don't pull on your head, you'll majorly hurt your neck).
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. How do you train your body to perform well with sit ups or what is the proper form? Either way I suggest that regardless of the ab exercise you do, you learn to concentrate on and flex your abdominal muscles.

    I'm sure that sounds like a no brainer but it's pretty common to do abdominal exercises incorrectly when you first start off. You can flex your abs while walking or just sitting in a chair. This is the feeling that you want to shoot for when you're doing sit ups. It's easy to miss the point by isolating the movement on the hip flexors, thus why crunches ban be more effective than full range sit ups. Like the other person said try hooking your feet on something, remember to flex (engage) your abs, and personal opinion do them slooooow.

    good luck!
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I like doing sit ups on a fitness ball because I find it gives me a better range of motion. You can also work on other parts of your body with the fitness ball.

    Some of these links may give you some ideas:
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    I also don't fully understand what you're asking and thats probably the reason that not many people have responded. The person above mentioning to flex abs is great advice. To take that a step further, I usually poke my abs during the exercise to ensure the correct abdominal muscle is being used... and not hip flexers or neck. If you're not doing abs right, then theres really no point in doing them at all.

    I guess for a beginner/basic exercise, place your feet flat on the ground w/ legs bent and your back flat on the ground as well. Put your hands on your stomach and simply flex your abs so that your hands feel the flex. Keep your hands on your stomach and feel the tensing as you slowly lift your back off the ground. DO NOT lift w/ your head first. Lift your back, neck, and head in 1 straight line.

    Hope that helps?
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    Knowing how to do them and being able to do them are two different things. A couple of other people have already left you responses about the physical maneuver. However, if you are unable to do them, your ab muscles just need strengthening! No biggie. You will be able to do them in the future, start small...just do crunches or a manageable set of ab exercises that you are able to do but push yourself a little more every day. As far as never seeing yourself doing them...right now I don't see myself running a half a mile w/o stopping let alone 3 miles but I'm working on the Couch to 5k program so with some work, in the next 9 weeks, hopefully that's all going to change!