Carb Cycling macros

Hi myfitnesspal world,

Thought I'd start a discussion on carb cycling and everyone's views on it.

My Current macros:

Low day: 2400 cals 15%c,35%p,50%f
Refeed: 3500 cals 50%c,30%p,20%f

I've been using this cycling method for 2 months, I've dropped 10-11lbs and about 4%bf. Has anyone had similar success? What method of carb cycling has worked best for you?

Does anyone have any further suggestions on how I can refine\better the method?




  • Sean, I'm currently reading up on carb cycling, I'm about to give it a try. Main reasons for doing it are:

    -currently not losing anymore weight even with what should be a huge calorie deficit (and I weight everything I eat)

    -carb cycling, with the high carb days seems to add a bit of variation to the meals

    I am a bit confused on the nb of calories to aim for.

    Sean where did you get the figures for your macros and nb of cals on high and low days?
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    dom1133 wrote: »
    Sean, I'm currently reading up on carb cycling, I'm about to give it a try. Main reasons for doing it are:

    -currently not losing anymore weight even with what should be a huge calorie deficit (and I weight everything I eat)

    -carb cycling, with the high carb days seems to add a bit of variation to the meals

    I am a bit confused on the nb of calories to aim for.

    Sean where did you get the figures for your macros and nb of cals on high and low days?

    Hi dom1133,

    Well to begin with i used the harris-benedict formula to work out my maintenance calories.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches (71") - (6.8 x age)

    Activity factor:
    Sedentary BMR x 1.2
    Lightly active BMR x 1.375
    Moderately BMR x 1.55
    Very active BMR x 1.725
    Extra active BMR x 1.9

    BMR x Activity factor = Maintenance calories

    once you have figured out your maintenance calories you create a -30% (if you are slightly heavier you could probably create a -40% deficit) deficit from your maintenance calories and this would be your low day calories, for your refeed days aka carb load days you would eat back up to maintenance. so for me these are my below cals and stats;

    3200 calories - Maintenance\Refeed
    Carbs 0.5 per lbs (15%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (35%)
    Fat 0.6 per (50%)

    2400 calories - low days @ -30%
    Carbs 2.1 per lbs (50%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (30%)
    Fat 0.35 per lbs (20%)

    There are various different eating methods you can apply but ive found the 3:1 method has worked the best for me. Over the last month I’ve also found my weight has been stuck @ 208lbs for about 4wks but I’ve dropped 1-2%bf in that time. Apologies if my carbs\protein\fats numbers are not spot on but the percentages are what I work with atm.

    Another thing to mention is If your Bodyfat is higher than 20% I wouldn’t recommend this method of eating. Also to note if you feel your carbs are too low on your low days raise them by 5% and drop your fats by 5%. My understanding of carb cycling is that if your carbs are high your fats have to drop and if your fats are high you will need to drop carbs.

    I also practice this method eating whole foods, I rarely cheat (every 2/3 wks) and if I do I ensure its on a refeed day (but this is something you will have a lot more flexibility with once your BF has come down a considerable amount)

    I’m not a PT or anything of the sort just a humbled student of this nutrition/gym life.

    Hope this helps.

  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    BigSean86 wrote: »
    dom1133 wrote: »
    Sean, I'm currently reading up on carb cycling, I'm about to give it a try. Main reasons for doing it are:

    -currently not losing anymore weight even with what should be a huge calorie deficit (and I weight everything I eat)

    -carb cycling, with the high carb days seems to add a bit of variation to the meals

    I am a bit confused on the nb of calories to aim for.

    Sean where did you get the figures for your macros and nb of cals on high and low days?

    Hi dom1133,

    Well to begin with i used the harris-benedict formula to work out my maintenance calories.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches (71") - (6.8 x age)

    Activity factor:
    Sedentary BMR x 1.2
    Lightly active BMR x 1.375
    Moderately BMR x 1.55
    Very active BMR x 1.725
    Extra active BMR x 1.9

    BMR x Activity factor = Maintenance calories

    once you have figured out your maintenance calories you create a -30% (if you are slightly heavier you could probably create a -40% deficit) deficit from your maintenance calories and this would be your low day calories, for your refeed days aka carb load days you would eat back up to maintenance. so for me these are my below cals and stats;

    3200 calories - Maintenance\Refeed
    Carbs 0.5 per lbs (15%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (35%)
    Fat 0.6 per (50%)

    2400 calories - low days @ -30%
    Carbs 2.1 per lbs (50%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (30%)
    Fat 0.35 per lbs (20%)

    There are various different eating methods you can apply but ive found the 3:1 method has worked the best for me. Over the last month I’ve also found my weight has been stuck @ 208lbs for about 4wks but I’ve dropped 1-2%bf in that time. Apologies if my carbs\protein\fats numbers are not spot on but the percentages are what I work with atm.

    Another thing to mention is If your Bodyfat is higher than 20% I wouldn’t recommend this method of eating. Also to note if you feel your carbs are too low on your low days raise them by 5% and drop your fats by 5%. My understanding of carb cycling is that if your carbs are high your fats have to drop and if your fats are high you will need to drop carbs.

    I also practice this method eating whole foods, I rarely cheat (every 2/3 wks) and if I do I ensure its on a refeed day (but this is something you will have a lot more flexibility with once your BF has come down a considerable amount)

    I’m not a PT or anything of the sort just a humbled student of this nutrition/gym life.

    Hope this helps.



    to add on to this, this was my interpretation of the Lean Gains guide by Martin Berkan. there are loads of interesting studies which are fairly meaty reads but the gems dropped on that page are priceless.

  • Veggies are good. This is all new to me I never heard of power carb cycling. wow lots of work
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    dom1133 wrote: »
    Sean, I'm currently reading up on carb cycling, I'm about to give it a try. Main reasons for doing it are:

    -currently not losing anymore weight even with what should be a huge calorie deficit (and I weight everything I eat)

    -carb cycling, with the high carb days seems to add a bit of variation to the meals

    I am a bit confused on the nb of calories to aim for.

    Sean where did you get the figures for your macros and nb of cals on high and low days?

    also Dom, going back to you saying that your weight loss has stalled whats your current deficit and how long have you been on it? it could be one of two things, either you have been in a aggressive deficit for too long or you've been under eating cals.
  • BigSean86 wrote: »
    dom1133 wrote: »
    Sean, I'm currently reading up on carb cycling, I'm about to give it a try. Main reasons for doing it are:

    -currently not losing anymore weight even with what should be a huge calorie deficit (and I weight everything I eat)

    -carb cycling, with the high carb days seems to add a bit of variation to the meals

    I am a bit confused on the nb of calories to aim for.

    Sean where did you get the figures for your macros and nb of cals on high and low days?

    also Dom, going back to you saying that your weight loss has stalled whats your current deficit and how long have you been on it? it could be one of two things, either you have been in a aggressive deficit for too long or you've been under eating cals.

    hey thanks a lot man, really good info,

    so yeah, I'm stuck at 207lbs, 6 foot 2, 37y. For now I eat 1800ish cals per day (which myfitnesspal settings says I would lose 1.2 pounds per week) and exercice a decent amount. I've been doing this for a bit more than 1 month, and started at 1500 cals per day.

    I think Im eating really clean ,all carbs are from vegetables like broccoli, tomatos, cucumber, no rice, no pasta etc, for protein I eat mainly fish and lean meats.

    I will see how things go but I think I'll calculate my macros with the math you gave me and I'll give that a try, if it works it works if not, I dont really mind
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    Wow, for a guy your height and weight those calories are way to low man and don't neglect rice, pasta etc just have it in moderation. I wouldn't go by MFP's calculator it doesn't take into consideration a weightlifter imo. Out of interest how often do you weight train, do you do cardio at all?
  • I'm doing pretty intense kettlebell training right now, not necessarly as much weight as regular weight lifting but its pretty demanding for me. Im using 2 20kg kettlebells and do 4 workouts per week (2 legs + 2 upper body). I usually can't talk after my workout because im out of breath ;)
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh ok, given your working out 4x a week I would use the Harris benedict formula and multiply your BMR by 1.55.
  • yeah sounds right hehe, so far I've got this:

    maintenance level: 3148

    I was looking at your numbers, should'nt the 50% carbs be on refeed days?
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    That sounds a bit better for your maintenance, now -30% and those will be your low day cals. Yeah that's correct I eat 50% fat on low days and 50% carbs on refeed days. Apologies I've just realised my low days and refeed day are the wrong way round lol. It should be the below;

    2400 calories - low days @ -30%
    Carbs 0.5 per lbs (15%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (35%)
    Fat 0.6 per (50%)

    3200 calories - Maintenance\Refeed
    Carbs 2.1 per lbs (50%)
    Protein 1.3 per lbs (30%)
    Fat 0.35 per lbs (20%)
  • yeah I noticed too but you posted them right the first time :smile:

    Low day: 2400 cals 15%c,35%p,50%f
    Refeed: 3500 cals 50%c,30%p,20%f

    Ok so, maintenance is 3148

    maint - 30% = 2115 which is gona be really easy I think
  • i think i can go more agressive ive been starving for a while at 1500 and was able to function, im doing 1800 now so would 1800 be a reasonable number for my low day you think?
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    I still think that's way too low man, try 2400 cals for your low day cals. Do the 3:1 cycle over two weeks and see how you fair.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Hey Question for you.

    I just started the carb cycling. He are my macros and schedule Could you please give me some input?
    5'7'' female - 147lbs

    Sunday - Low
    Monday - High
    Tuesday - Low
    Wednesday - Low
    Thursday - No
    Friday - Low/Weigh in
    Saturday - High

    No Carb - 140-150G protein, 60-70G fat, carbs from greens only
    Low Carb - 60-80g of Carbs, 140-150g of Protein, 40-45g of Fat
    High Carb - 140g of Carbs, 140-150g of Protein, 20-25g of Fat
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Question for you.

    I just started the carb cycling. He are my macros and schedule Could you please give me some input?
    5'7'' female - 147lbs

    Sunday - Low
    Monday - High
    Tuesday - Low
    Wednesday - Low
    Thursday - No
    Friday - Low/Weigh in
    Saturday - High

    No Carb - 140-150G protein, 60-70G fat, carbs from greens only
    Low Carb - 60-80g of Carbs, 140-150g of Protein, 40-45g of Fat
    High Carb - 140g of Carbs, 140-150g of Protein, 20-25g of Fat

    Hi MartialPanda,

    Your numbers look good, I've never cycled using your days method as I do 3:1. 3 low days in a row then refeed on the forth day then repeat.

    Also I believe if your weight training having a no carb day is crazy. Maybe go between the two low cals\carb day (60-80g carbs) then do your high cals and carbs (140g+) day.

    What I tried for low days was to get my carb sources from greens and fruit which makes getting to 60-80g carbs on a low day much more easier rather than shovelling greens all day.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I don't mind the no carb. I'm trying to get my carbs from as many Natural sources as possible. Oatmeal, greens, barley, soba, some fruit. Any "brown" carbs is in 1/4 cup servings or less
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Also I weight train around 3-4 times a week. I do some form of cardio potentially 5-6 times a week
  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't mind the no carb. I'm trying to get my carbs from as many Natural sources as possible. Oatmeal, greens, barley, soba, some fruit. Any "brown" carbs is in 1/4 cup servings or less
    Also I weight train around 3-4 times a week. I do some form of cardio potentially 5-6 times a week

    Whoa that's a lot of activity, what's your low day and high day cals like?

    Also is your goal to lean mass or cut?
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I should clarify. I do one heavy weight training (LEGS!) and then plyometics (with weights) combined with Martial Arts. Martial Arts is typically 3-4 days a week too.

    Cals seems to be coming in around 1900 and 1700.

    So week of training
    Sunday - 2/3 hours of martial arts
    Monday - morning plyo with weights--> martial arts later in the day
    Tuesday - Plyo (morning) --> cardio later
    Wednesday - Plyo and martial arts later in the day
    Thursday - Cardio at some point
    Friday - legs
    Saturday - Rest

    Sometimes though i'll rest on Wednesday or Friday.

    Goal is to cut BF% and weight. I would like to hover around 140lbs.