My Success Story :)

Hi all!
I just wanted to share my successes so far with MyFitnessPal. I'm hoping that my example can encourage others to stick at it! :#

In 2011, I was a tiny 7 1/2 stone. I was only 17 and 5ft 2in, and my figure was amazing (if I do say so myself!). At the end of 2011, I met my partner.


A year later, my weight had ballooned to over 10st. Now, this may not seem like much, but for someone who had been small all my life, and at my height, this was verging on obese. However, I didn't really see it.
After moving out with my partner, I was cooking our first meal in our new flat. My partner took a photo to put on Facebook. I looked at this picture, and all I could see was thunder thighs, giant muffin tops and a bulging belly. I vowed to sort it right then.


I found MyFitnessPal by chance when looking for apps to help with weight loss. I entered my goals and started logging right away. By logging everything I ate and did, I lost 2 stone in 3 months. I was amazed at how quick and easy it was; all I really did was take notice of what I was eating and cut back, as well as reducing fat in my diet.
By the time we went on holiday to Turkey (9 months after starting on MyFitnessPal), I felt happy and confident in my bikini.


(I'm on the right)

A year later, my weight was starting to creep up again, so I logged straight back on to my app, which bought it down pretty quickly.

For the past year or so, I have maintained a relatively healthy weight - 8st 6lb or thereabouts. I know I'll never be that little 7 1/2 stone girl again, as I'm no longer a girl, but a woman. But I am happy and comfortable in my own skin, and it's all thanks to MyFitnessPal!

Me now!
