Feeling pretty depressed today...overate

aliciamarieUF Posts: 226 Member
edited February 2015 in Motivation and Support
I think I overate today. Going through an international divorce at 24 years old and spoke to my husband over webcam today after not having spoken to him in a week. My plan to go to the gym went out the window. Still feeling hungry and stressed even though I feel like I overate. I didn't track the calories, but I did have an entire bowl of oatmeal with whole milk, brown sugar and a mango slice, a peanut butter granola bar, and 3 eggs with mushrooms and half an avocado. I don't know how to control this terrible over eating when I'm feeling down.


  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    If you did overeat, it was at least on good stuff--you weren't eating a whole pizza and ice cream. Regardless, it's one day. You're allowed to be human while losing weight, y'know :) I'm sorry for what's going on, and it's okay to hurt and feel upset and sad. But don't beat yourself up for not eating perfectly. Just get back up tomorrow and commit to not being upset about today's eating. You'll be okay.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there Alicia,
    I can only imagine how stressful going through any form of divorce must be, and that is bound to have an effect on how you feel!
    Sometimes we do turn to eating during these times and that's a natural thing that most fo us seem to do, we can change this given time(habit changing is a huge part of it) but for right this very second I would reccomend not beating yourself up over a day of going over.
    In the long run, one day of over-eating will make no difference to your long term goals, we all go over sometimes! (I know I do)

    Just blow today away and start again with a new slate tomorrow.

    I really hope that things in life start to pick up for you soon and you start to feel a lot better!

    Wishing you complete success with your fitness goals and happiness in all aspects of life.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    You ought to give yourself credit for going through this at all! Emotionally, psychologically, physically, financially...it must be so much to deal with at once!
    Don't beat yourself up! Take it all one day at a time!
    You can do this. You're strong enough to face this and get through. You'll be strong enough to meet your fitness goals! :)
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I also went through an international divorce at 24 years old. My ex went to the Philippines for the Navy, we got married in January 2012, he left for bootcamp march 2012, and we separated may 2012. Divorce was final in October 2013. I was also suffering from a 14 year eating disorder too, so I failed to eat. Try yoga to calm down. Or kickboxing to let out aggression.
  • siouxzcue
    siouxzcue Posts: 22 Member
    We all stumble, Alicia! You are just being human. Don't be too hard on yourself. I give you kudos for eating the healthy stuff! I'd surely have downed a king sized chocolate bar or something if I was in your place..Chin up! You can do this. I agree with Shannon and Adam. Just dust today off and jump back on the wagon tomorrow.. You ARE worth it!
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry that you're dealing with a difficult situation. Don't beat yourself up, it's only one day. I find that when I'm stressing out and inclined to overeat going for a walk can help distract me and help me get back on track
    (I live in Chicago but I don't use bad weather as an excuse).
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    going thru a divorce is awful (been there) but excessive food is going to make it worse and you have to tell yourself this and make yourself not overeat. We can get thru stuff without food. It is a habit using food to escape, it helps if I remind myself it distracts me and I have to not overeat so I can problem solve and figure stuff out. Love yourself and take care of yourself by eating right.
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    Off the top of my head that sounds like you ate around 850 cals, which isn't bad at all. In fact if that's all you ate then you're still a decent amount under. Take it easy on yourself for the time being, feeling down under the circumstances right now is totally understandable.
  • I understand how hard it must be to go through a divorce and I'm very sorry about that but it's okay if you over-eat only one day! Everything will be okay and tomorrow you'd be able to get back on track, don't even worry about it. At least you ate healthy!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Log it so you can own it. It's OK, tomorrow is a new day. Divorce sucks, I know but hang in there and start telling yourself that getting skinny is the best revenge!

    A good read for "binge" eaters:
  • margolinville
    margolinville Posts: 127 Member
    I think I overate today. Going through an international divorce at 24 years old and spoke to my husband over webcam today after not having spoken to him in a week. My plan to go to the gym went out the window. Still feeling hungry and stressed even though I feel like I overate. I didn't track the calories, but I did have an entire bowl of oatmeal with whole milk, brown sugar and a mango slice, a peanut butter granola bar, and 3 eggs with mushrooms and half an avocado. I don't know how to control this terrible over eating when I'm feeling down.

    The best revenge is going to be when he sees how great you look! And you see the expression on his face ...that you are taking care of yourself!
    Be ready to look great for the next person in your life! I did.
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    Sorry for all that you are going through but please don't punish yourself by overeat g and not working out. Yesterday is gone you can't undo what you did but you get a chance to do it right today!! Let me know how I can support you in this journey!
  • 003yolanda
    003yolanda Posts: 9 Member
    Work out those frustrations at the gym. Turn it around for yourself, make it work for you. Just remember tomorrow is another day!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    If you did overeat, it was at least on good stuff

    Whole milk, eggs and brown sugar are good!?!