i don't know what to eat! can someone help

Hello, I am 21 years old . I am a student and I live in hostel. Proper cooking isn't that easy for me because I don't have time. I have a mess which gives me food. And its not bad. Well, I can make oats, cornflakes and all as well. So, could you tell me what all I can eat ? Because I walk a lot, and with the things I eat. They say that I don't have enough calories. ! But what ever I look has fat.there might be healthier options. But I don't know what to take. Can you help.
P.s I am Indian.


  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    Eat whatever you want. Stay close to your calorie goal. It doesn't matter what you eat as lobg as you don't eat more than your calorie goal for the day.
  • joanjettsmyt
    Add in things with protein and healthy carbs like Bananas. Canned tuna with lettuce, canned corn or couscous (very easy to prepare).
    Multigrain toast with peanut butter. Don't worry too much about fat if it is healthy fat and you are within your calorie goal.
  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm guessing you live in India. Good food is in abundance...are you a vegetarian? You can soak dry lentils and eat those raw with some onion & chutney. I eat that all the time. You are a student who walks a lot...that means you are burning lots of calories. Plus you are studying so that takes up energy - You can practically eat your normal diet and burn it all:) Avoid fried, buttery and creamy foods, and junk food like potato chips, chaats, and sweets. Little bit of all this, by the way is okay:). Enjoy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
  • svull
    svull Posts: 3
    For a healthy diet avoid processed food, sugar, chocolate, soft drinks and withe flowers. Go multigrain or wholemeal. Have veggies and fruits (almost 1/2 of your food), and then the 1/4 can be pasta or cereal/bread/rice, the other 1/4 is meat (lean is better). Add some vegetal oil, eggs, dried fruits, nuts, cheese, yogurt and you have some ideas to start with. When you are not cooking is difficult to get that but I am sure you can find some thing healthy in restaurant menus!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eat in the mess. That makes sense. Eat smaller portions than you used to eat.