
i would like to do track to looose weight. But i end up almost fainting. My track teacher is telling me to walk 3 mins and run 30s -1m..
any advise how to keep my exersise the same without getting sick/fainting?


  • cyans1996
    cyans1996 Posts: 63
  • redtrain
    redtrain Posts: 32 Member
    buy a road bicycle and slowly build up your cardio. it worked for me
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Just move baby. Start walking. Then add a little running, maybe just a few minutes then walk again. A lot of people here use couch to 5 k to get running. Three months ago I couldn't run down the street now I run 2 miles in the morning in 20 minutes, If these old bones can do so can you!! Good luck on your journey. Get healthy while your young!!
  • tinafoyle
    tinafoyle Posts: 1
    I had the same effects when going from slow cardio to more agressive doc said it's because I need to build up to the higher so just go at a slower pace to start and then work your way up.....can be frustrating but it is so worth it when you finally reach that goal....Best of luck hun!!!