Oh my...frustrated

I have been at this a while, I do log in here as often as I should. I am frustrated I in the best shape I have ever been in I just ran my first 8.5 minute mile tonight for the first time ever, even in high school and college where i was an athlete. I just logged a 5k time of just over 33 minutes, so obviously my second and third mile times are a little slower. Anyway I have only lost 12 lbs in the four months I have been doing this. I have always been "thick" and athletic. I am tall at 5"11 and i am larger framed. The smallest I have been is 180 and that is when I was in college. Now I am 29 have three children and I am not extremely obese however I am very thick, and have a very muscular lower body. Anyway I am frustrated at the fact I can be in such great cardiovascular shape that i can run 3-4 miles everyday, but still be fat. Is anyone in this boat. I would post pics but I do not know how..anyway just venting, i am frustrated with my progress.


  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Maybe you should print your reports and show a nutritionist or your doctor for help identifying problems in your diet?
  • Shutterpillar
    Shutterpillar Posts: 208
    perhaps you have gained muscle?
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I would love to give you some advice but without seeing what you are eating it is hard.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I understand being fusterated when the scale doesn't seem to be on your side. however you should be very proud of yourself for being in such great shape.
    Are you eating enough calories?
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Try switching up your cardio. Your body will get used to running as a means to burn fat and will slow fat burning. Try riding the stationary bike or doing the elliptical :) I go to classes at my gym 2 times a week for kick boxing and aerobics. Keep running, since it is the best cardio you can do, but change it up every once in a while :)
  • bethany675
    bethany675 Posts: 44 Member
    Same boat. I have only lost 11 total since July of last year, but I was 160 in Jan so from then to now its actually 13. I have tried lots of different workouts, etc. Running, kettlebells, both of those, bicycling. I just started p90x but in my own interpretation. I know I need cardio to burn my fat. I also run and 8 and 1/2 min mile and for someone who is 35 I was totally stoked. I started last summer working up to it but I found that by the time I met this amazing goal my body expected that I would run everyday and therefore I quit losing. You have to listen to YOUR body. I am only doing the cardio parts because right now, that is what's working. You may need to change it up a bit but keep changing it....Hope that helps. GOOD LUCK!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    I used to eat like a pig, I am always under calories, Most days I have 2 hard boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, lunch is usually subway, and snack is fruit and some sort of nut, and then dinner of course varies. but I do not eat junk. i know some of it has to be muscle I took a week and half off due to injury and i dropped 6 pounds, I have gained that back in the last week. I am at a loss
  • slyerly33
    slyerly33 Posts: 2
    My personal trainer said that you can do all the cardio in the world, but it's the strength training that causes you to burn fat and trim.
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    thanks for the advice maybe my body has adjusted to the running, because I run 7 days a week maybe i should throw a different workout in...never thought about that
  • jackthelad66
    You seem just like my wife. She is 6 ft and puts in miles every day and eats well, however she is always around 185 no matter what. I married a good Polish girl from Detroit and she is built just as you describe. Never obese, but just thick and muscular. She has had 4 children, and honestly, she is in better shape than anyone I know. I think some people are just built differently. It sounds like you are in great shape and congrats on your mile time!
  • BeautifulTestimony
    Keep in mind, you are in good cardio health!!! Eventually, everything else will catch up. KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! Also, someone gave some advice the other on yesterday... "When you are doing your run, change up add some steep hills and never do the same routine. Otherwise, your body will become use to it and nothing will change". Hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • bethany675
    bethany675 Posts: 44 Member
    We must have similar exercise profiles.....I also workout 7 days a week. I am afraid to take a day off because I don't want to gain. Not sure if you can but look at my exercise info and/or friend me if you'd like. I have lots of different stuff, some works some doesn't.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    What is your question?

    Being able to do run 3-4 miles a day does not equal skinny.

    I recommend you limit the cardio and do a proper full body workout, 3x a week (resistance training), while being in a 20% caloric deficit.

    Do that for a few months.