I am soooo disappointed!!!...

mnchkn0408 Posts: 35 Member
edited 6:08AM in Health and Weight Loss
I am soooo disappointed!!!...I totally lost my motivation. :( I was doing great, so into it, happy, I felt great and I practically lived on this web page...that was over three weeks ago!!!!

I hurt my back, I don't know how or when but it was horrible, I wasn't even able to take care of my one year old for days. Buy the time I was feeling better I gained half of the weight I lost back, didn't log, workout or even looked at mfp, which was so depressing because I thought that this was the time I was going to make those life changes I needed in my like to reach my goal.

Today I promised my self I would get back and pretend that those weeks never happen! Today I ate healthy went for a long walk with my daughter and even went on the treadmill tonight after I put her to bed. I realized how important mfp is to me in reaching my goal. It truly is motivating ! So as of today I'm back, I few pounds heavier then my last time on but I am determined now more than ever to lose weight and get healthy!


  • kelley555
    kelley555 Posts: 57 Member
    Your back and that is what is important!!! You can do this! Don't give up!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    It doesn't matter how many times you get sidetracked by life, we are still here (well, not me necessarily, I'm old. . . )

    You only fail if you quit. Just keep moving forward.
  • emersmurf
    emersmurf Posts: 27
    Congrats, I think attitude is half the battle! =)
  • smilieone
    smilieone Posts: 1
    I have been here before.. just take baby steps and you will be back where you were in no time.. good luck !
  • kennysrush
    kennysrush Posts: 124
    Welcome back. I can't rely on my "real" friends for support, so MFP has been a wonderful crutch for me!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    We all have our moments. I hurt my ankle this past week, and I've been not working out, and since we ran out of money for groceries, I had to eat whatever was in the house. i was spoiled with good food before. So too much not so great food. and no working out, I was sad too. Im sure my weigh day tomorrow isn't going to be good. So I need to move on and so do you. Your back and you can do it!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Good job on returning.

    Just don't make this one more thing you think you need to "succeed" with so you punish yourself if you "fail." It's a journey. One day at a time. All that.

    Relax, take it easy, let yourself make mistakes. No one here thinks you're supposed to be perfect, so you're in a good place to try stuff and see if it works.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    Sometimes we stumble along this weight loss journey, even fall down a few times. What matters is that you get back up and keep moving forward. Welcome back =)
  • Big_Dancer
    Big_Dancer Posts: 17
    Go you for having a great attitude, and I am glad you are feeling better! I think everyone has things that happen, injuries, getting sick, stressful times, etc. when we lose focus or aren't able to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. But I keep telling myself, everyday is a new day and a new chance to do well. Your determination and exercise today show that this is for the long haul and you will be able to keep up the positive life changes you've made and reach your goals. *in a voice like the guy from Water Boy* "You can do it!"
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    You can do it!!!!

    Feel free to add me if you want some more support!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Coming back and being determined is what's important! You can do it.
  • nc1191
    nc1191 Posts: 51 Member
    What matters is that you came back and have the right mind set. You can do it! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    A year from now, when you are sitting at goal weight, what happened for one week is hardly going to matter. Life happens to all of us. It's completely up to us if we let it be more than blip in our progress, and instead let it turn into a dead stop. So don't dwell on progress being undone, or having to lose the same five pounds again. A year from now, 60 pounds will be gone and you will not care. Just focus on making great choices and logging Today.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    It happens to nearly all of us...I'm trying to get off my butt right now to do my work out..didn't do one yesterday and don't have the ambition today..but I will get back on the wagon again..just like you have...and keep going forward. Good Luck!
  • nanicksmom
    nanicksmom Posts: 13 Member
    You can do this, remember this is real life and sometimes things happen that will set us back. The important thing is to get back on the "horse" and keep going! :)
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome Back!! And stop being so hard on yourself!:smile:
  • sfuquay1
    sfuquay1 Posts: 4
    Hang in their...Something that helps me is to keep it in the day.:flowerforyou:
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    Don't be so hard on yourself!!! You are injured! You have to have time to heal before you can jump back in. I have a knee injury (that came out of NO where too) It makes me feel weak and I'm so frustrated that I can't do the moves or feel like I'll collapse on that leg.. but what is SCARIER is making it worse. Just keep fighting the good fight!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I'm glad you're back! This is a human experience...not every day is going to be perfect, but as long as you keep trying, the good days will add up. It's all part of the journey....you got this. :)
  • mnchkn0408
    mnchkn0408 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all so much. This just proved how great mfp is!!!! You are all so wonderful and really so helpful.
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