
i have been counting calories for 16 day and only lost 1.8 pounds , have my calories set to lose 2 pounds a week , I exercise everyday , why am I not losing , I only lost 2 oz this week


  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    Our bodies tend to lose at their own pace. Make sure your food is weighed out and what you're logging is accurate. What you already lost is awesome! Have patience
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are losing, only slower than you hoped. I think you are doing everything right. I predict you will see a bigger drop off in the next couple weeks as you keep at it.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited February 2015
    1. It is impossible to be 100% accurate with your intake, burns, and even the calcuations your goal is based off of are estimates. However, the more accurate you are the closer to your desired rate loss you will be. Make sure you are using a foodscale to weigh food and not overestimating workout burns.
    2. Weightloss is not always linear. People experience water retention for a number of different reasons. You may have lost more and it is just being masked at the moment. It takes more than 2 weeks to determine a weight loss trend.
    3. If your calorie target is 1200 calories that is where MFP bottoms out (because that is generally accepted as the least an adult should eat without negatively impacting health). On your profile it says you are trying to lose 35 lbs, so 2 lbs a week is actually considered a bit on the aggressive side for that goal. It is possible MFP gave you the 1200 calories because that is as low as it goes, and you would actually need to be eating less to achieve the deficit for a 2lb/week loss. If you go to goals, set goals manually, the table on the bottum left tells you how much your calcualted deficit should actually have you losing reguardless of you rate loss selection.
  • Thanks everyone! I do weigh my food and my workouts are not overestimated I only put in half of what my read out is plus do one walk without adding it to make sure I am getting enough calorie burn . I have been under my daily calories and added more protein in forms of drinks just so I don't have to eat . Summer is coming and I am working hard to meet my goals for June when my youngest graduates . I know it's probably not the best way but I have been doing weight watchers online with this and it's a challenge to keep my points and calories in check lol , I eat lots of fruits and veggies which are free on weight watchers but not in calories lol but thank u all this is new to me and who knows my body is probably in shock lol keep the advice coming ! Have a great day :)
  • af_wife2004
    af_wife2004 Posts: 149 Member
    I use the IIFYM Calculator to help calculate my calories, fat, protein, and carbs. It was within a few grams of what my nutritionist recommend and considerably off from what MFP suggest. MFP suggested I eat 1240 calories when, for my size, my body requires of 1500 just to have basic function. Perhaps MFP set your calories lower than your body actually needs to operate.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?