Just got done with a binge :(

SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I dont know why but i was so hungry today...specially for dinner , I have drank more than 2 litres of water so it was not thirst.
I went over my calories way over :(


  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    get back up! :flowerforyou:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Must be one of those weeks. I know a lot of people, myself included, that have been just STARVING by the end of the day. Tomorrow is another day...don't worry about today.
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    sometimes this can be a good thing and get you back on track again!!! :smile:
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    This happens to me most about one week out of each month. I am trying real hard to do "less" damage than I normally would. It's wierd how we get along just fine and then this craving/hunger/out of control feeling comes around.

    Not much help here other than to tell you you are not alone... hang in there. Even though I have these cycles.... i still lose in the long term.

    Best wishes!
  • amylynn9
    amylynn9 Posts: 40
    Tomorrow is a new day :) There are always rocks in the road!
  • If you're a girl is it possible that it's your, ahem, "shark week"?
  • Behavioral
    Behavioral Posts: 60
    At one time in your life, this would likely have been par for the course. Don't worry about it. Get back on that horse and ride like it never happened.
  • Forensi
    Forensi Posts: 56 Member
    You might be getting hungry because your body is going into starvation from not eating enough cals everyday.

    Overeating or Binging for 1 day will in fact do more good than bad in the long term provided you go back to your normal diet.

    I binge/overeat at least once a week to replenish my metabolism and tell my body that it's not in starvation mode. So far it's working a treat.

    I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I did the same thing. I ate very healthy today and made very good choices and even worked out some but in the end i was still over. Must be in the air.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Don't beat yourself up!! Think about what may have triggered it, but don't stress about it. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on track!
  • sellsmiami
    sellsmiami Posts: 2
    that 'shark week' post is funny. never heard that one. i was thinking, if you're a girl, could you have a bun in the oven?
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
    no looking back! only forward!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    thank you all for the encourament. I know im in the week prior to my TOM ... and not preggo either im sure of that :)

    Thank you !!
  • ImBabyBunny
    ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
    Oh honey it will be ok! I know....I have been there. And I am sure u know it will take a-lot to never go there again.

    I have found out that my monthly friend will trigger a binge. They are SO BAD. I seriously at one point was laying in bed crying because I ate like crazy, I am STILL hungry. And I wanted chocolate. lol

    Now that I know this info, I know I need to plan ahead ...yes I am going to have chocolate but lot's of fiber too.

    I know with some people they just cant have certain foods around them or they will binge. If that's the case you can eliminate those foods completely if that's what you have to do.

    Sorry if it seems like I am jumping topics! lol I know how this is. It helps for me to plan out everything. And to have other enjoyably activities to do besides eat. Like take a nice warm shower, play piano, light some candles, read a comic book., Tidy up the house while listening to dirty rap music! XD Anything! Just get your mind away from food.

    I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. So look back on this ....see it as a learning experience. Did u not eat so well during the day? therefor you have no remaining cals but are still Hungary. where u stressed out? (I eat cus of stress sometimes) Did you allow yourself just ONE THING and it turned into the WHOLE THING?

    Take this information. Write it down, make a mental note.
    Know that all the hard work you have done up to this point is NOT in vain. A set back is a set up for a comeback! Learn from this, apply it to the future and use it to kick even more Butt!!!!!

    One day at a time. You can do it! Take Care!
  • mrstudz
    mrstudz Posts: 30 Member
    boo hoo.

    Now get your behind on the treadmill and crank the tunes, and do not get off until you you hit the i wanna quit and cant take this anymore barrier...then go for 5 more minutes.

    Do the crime, pay the time.

    ...and its like nothing ever happened.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    If you're a girl is it possible that it's your, ahem, "shark week"?

    I owe you a cupcake, because I'm totally stealing this.

    Everyone binges occasionally, I had to exercise today even though it was my rest day because I was so hungry. My mom says she gets really hungry on the days that she drops more weight, so maybe it's that.
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    Me too! Today was a bad day for me.
  • ramberbo
    ramberbo Posts: 23
    Binge eating is one of my hardest things...becasue i will waite until everyone is asleep and then pig out, late at night, it is something that i have to tell myself NO! all the time. I have also started making a list of things that i can do instead of eating, like go on MFP or read or take a bath...but i have to say the week before aunt flow comes i am screwed. :wink:
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    If you're a girl is it possible that it's your, ahem, "shark week"?

    I owe you a cupcake, because I'm totally stealing this.

    Everyone binges occasionally, I had to exercise today even though it was my rest day because I was so hungry. My mom says she gets really hungry on the days that she drops more weight, so maybe it's that.

    Stealing this too - best euphemism ever.

    You know, I think we do all have those times where we aren't hungry - then the times where we could eat our own fist. I do think our bodies may be telling us something.
  • judycfox
    judycfox Posts: 3
    If you don't eat enough during the day to keep your metabolism burning you will find yourself famished by the end of the night. Try to keep a steady source of energy in your body every 3-4 hrs. Eat small meals through out the day. Always try to have a balance of Protien, Carbs & Fat with each meal. If you do BINGE at 1 meal you'll probably get away with it as long as 1 meal doesn't turn into 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month!!! (you get the idea) Rome wasn't built in a day! Don't beat yourself up over it. Just put it behind you and promise yourself that the next meal will be a healthy one. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
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