HELP! How do I stay motivated!

I already have a feeling that I am going to go off course, especially with only going to the gym for 2-4 times a week. How can I stay motivated. I am one of those persons who will just give up if I don't see any results. I know that is going to happen, so how can I just stay on track. Any success stories would be good, and experience from people would help :) Thanks!!! Looking forward to reaching my goal for September '11


  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    You know there are weight loss goals and activity goals?

    Even with all the wonderful sums and calorie counters we don't really have much control over how much weight we lose in x amount of time, but we do have control over what activities we plan to get to our goals.

    I suggest that you make activity goals and base your journey around them. Then also measure yourself so you have some objective goals, but without time frames.

    For example:
    I have a goal to reach a certain weight by my birthday, so how am I going to do it?

    Activity goals
    * go to gym 3 times a week
    * ride my bike 3 times a week
    * go to yoga 3 times a week
    * stay within my calorie goals.

    So, if I succeed on the activity goals, then there is a reward, and if the weight doesn't come off as quickly as I like, I'm still a winner for my health and well-being, it might just take a bit longer.

    Take motivation in making good habits and learning about food and nutrition. Don't look at it as a win/fail diet but a reclaiming your life in a healthy and sustainable way.

    Once you have all the aspects in place, you don't need motivation any more, it is just a non-negotiable habit and you are on your way!
    best of luck
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    don't give up. Just think of what the end results will be once you reach your goal.
    It's like my doctor told me, it took me a while to put the weight on, so it's gonna take
    a while to get it off.
    You CAN do this.
    Find an exercise routine that you enjoy and you will want to do it more.
    If you have an ipod, put some fast upbeat music on it to listen to while you are working out.
    Think of a reward you can give yourself when you reach a certain # on the scale, pair of hair do...mani or pedi..

    Maybe that will drive you!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    1 stop planing to fail
    2 just do it and you will see the results
    3 one day of "cheating" will erase a weeks worth the work

    "Do or do not their is no try" ~Yoda
  • LifeMeansSoMuch
    I need help to! Can't seem to get past the hump in the road. I was doing so goood now I feel like Poo :( and can't hardly exercise barely am I entering in my calories. Maybe I just set to much of higher goals or its not for me to loose weight now.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    The biggest thing that has helped me is to realize that this is not a diet or a weight loss plan. It's a lifestyle change. Even on the days when I'm not diligent and counting every calorie...I'm still conscious of what I'm putting into my mouth. Someone once told me that 80% of weight loss is what you eat(or don't eat). Whether that's correct or not...I know it must be working for me. I barely work out, except for the occasional walk, and yes I probably would've lost the weight a lot faster, but I can honestly say that I weigh less now than I did 6 years ago when I graduated from highschool Not much...but it's enough. As another poster said...quit planning on failing. Coming into this saying, "I know I'm going to fail" will not help you at all. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, and I can all but guarantee that you will see the scale move. Just keep at it, and you'll get there. We all will!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    You know there are weight loss goals and activity goals?

    Even with all the wonderful sums and calorie counters we don't really have much control over how much weight we lose in x amount of time, but we do have control over what activities we plan to get to our goals.

    I suggest that you make activity goals and base your journey around them. Then also measure yourself so you have some objective goals, but without time frames.

    For example:
    I have a goal to reach a certain weight by my birthday, so how am I going to do

    Activity goals
    * go to gym 3 times a week
    * ride my bike 3 times a week
    * go to yoga 3 times a week
    * stay within my calorie goals.

    So, if I succeed on the activity goals, then there is a reward, and if the weight doesn't come off as quickly as I like, I'm still a winner for my health and well-being, it might just take a bit longer.

    Take motivation in making good habits and learning about food and nutrition. Don't look at it as a win/fail diet but a reclaiming your life in a healthy and sustainable way.

    Once you have all the aspects in place, you don't need motivation any more, it is just a non-negotiable habit and you are on your way!
    best of luck

    Love this approach!
  • mehlen
    mehlen Posts: 28 Member
    One of the things about losing weight is that you have to examine your real reason for doing it. Not the reason you're telling everyone else. Not the reason your partner wants you too...or you think someone else wants you too... What are your real reasons? If you're honest with yourself, and you're not really doing it for you...then this may not be your time. (One example of doing it for others is "I think others see me as fat so I need to lose weight.") But if you're honest with yourself, and you're doing this for yourself (I want to feel healthier, I want to be able to walk a mile. I want to find a healthier food regiment" etc.) ...then remember it's not about what if''s about when's. When I can walk a mile, I'll try 2. When I feel healthier I will run a marathon. When I have a healthier food regiment I can feel better about myself. Looking at it this way reduces your options to fail. It's not a's a life goal.

    For me, I'm using the site to look at what I'm diong, and looking for ways to make minor changes to get positive results. I'm walking now. That was tough when I started. On my meds, my joints hurt walking just plain hurts. But I can now do a mile in 20 minutes without hurting too much more than normal...and I feel like I accomplished something (I walked a mile.) Did I lose a pound doing it? No. But I walked a mile. That's cool.