Need motivation and encouragement

Hi All,

I have minimally used my fitness pal in the past but later changed to weight watchers...I have done weight watchers in the past and it has worked ,but my trouble is when I start to feel good and then start eating bad again. I lost 10 pounds on weight watchers the most recent time but then went on a cruise and "cheated" for the entire 10 days. Among returning I had 2 weddings which further "fell off the bang wagon." While Weight Watchers works, I get bored of tracking and cant seem to make it a lifestyle change. I have realized I need PEOPLE support...people to talk to, get advice from, vent to...people who I can relate to and who can relate to me.

I have had a serious history with weight. I struggled with an eating disorder for several years in my teens and after recovering, my body just wasn't the same. I hold on to weight very easily and losing weight the healthy way is incredibly hard for me...I have a love hate relationship with myself and food. I often feel depressed and don't want to be social and would rather sit home and not see people...the struggle comes when this is not my nature (by nature I love people and am incredibly outgoing.) I don't like people to see me when I feel fat. My boyfriend is in incredible shape and constantly tries to "help" me get back into shape but he doesn't always know that his "help" sometimes just pushes me further down the rabbit hole. I HATE the gym. I hate wearing tight work out clothes and having other people look at me at the gym. I am not good at running and am uneducated when it comes to any kind of circuit training. I have recently decided to swim across the pond next to my house everyday (twice - about 30 minutes.) Its where I can exercise alone and it feels good to do it. I hate the way I feel in clothes, I hate the way clothes feel on me, and I HATE being naked...even when I am by myself. I am constantly telling myself negative things and then I just being overwhelmed and nothing comes of getting healthy. I am hoping there are other people out there who struggle in similar ways that I can talk to and be motived by. Add me if you'd like!!


  • mjm4150
    Lauren.....I feel your pain and discouragement! I can relate to your whole story! Ty for sharing these words with me. Now at least I know I'm not the only one! Wish I could give you a big hug and tell you you will succeed!!! Keep plugging and reaching out!
  • rkulich
    rkulich Posts: 22 Member
    Its definitely a grind. It sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. I understand because I am the same way. Sounds like swimming is a good idea, it is something you enjoy and it keeps you moving. In the beginning, just try to have more good days than bad ones. After a while, you will start seeing results and you will begin to learn what your body needs to make the changes you want. I would suggest not starting out with the all or nothing mentality. It is so hard to be perfect with exercise and diet all the time. And if you aren't prepared to have bad days, it is easy to give up when you stumble. Just take it one day at a time, or even one meal or workout at a time. Good luck to you, I believe you can make this happen, you definitely sound like you want to make the change. Just remember that it's not a quick fix, it's a daily grind. Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck!!!
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    Hey there. Please feel free to send me an add request. Good luck
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I accept all friend requests.
  • Marxytron7
    Marxytron7 Posts: 16 Member
    Add me
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    You can add me too. Distance runner, but I welcome all.
  • kkayeliz
    kkayeliz Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Lauren. I feel some of your pain all too much. Depression is my biggest struggle (not to mention my awful relationship with food.) I've found that workout buddies & online fitness gurus (YouTube, Instagram) have helped me with the eating options so so so much & have also given me a new outlook on exercise. Feel free to add me. Like you I need that extra people support! :)
  • L_Grazi86
    L_Grazi86 Posts: 2 Member
    Just getting back on here and reading all of your messages, thank you everyone for your kindness and support, It's really encouraging!