Trim Healthy Mama

Anyone following that plan? Any advice? I have a friend who it doing great with it and I'm contemplating starting it. Any positive or negative reviews would be appreciated.


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Too many rules in it. Just eat at a deficit & you'll lose weight.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Never heard of it till now. Did a google search...and well from the overviews I've seen it looks too complicated for me.

    I'm with Kristinemomof3 on this one. Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight. I'm down almost 90lbs and a mom of 2 myself.
  • Fizz500d
    Fizz500d Posts: 9 Member
    I have a couple of friends who swear buy it too, I did look into it but the rules look fairly fiddly and arbitrary to be honest. Things like "protein is satiating, use it as a base" aren't bad but "only eat these things as a group or never these things together” don’t really have a nutritional basis and probably just works to restrict calories in a way that can be done much more simply. And I’m not a fan of extensive substitution of Stevia and expensive special ingredients/alternatives in general. Plus I fail to see where the “biblical wisdom” comes in to the groupings and it seems pretty calculated to catch the Christian Mommy market just because.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Why don't you just eat at a deficit?
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Why don't you just eat at a deficit?

    but that's too EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously though, I know people IRL that are entrenched in the mindset that if they're not suffering for weight loss, or if they are not cutting out food groups, or if they're not following someone else's "eat this right now" plan then they're never going to succeed. My husband is one of these people, which blows my mind. He's watched me lose 97 pounds eating all the foods, and still clings to "I can't do it because I don't have time/I NEED someone to plan everything for me" mindset. I. Can't. Even.
  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    Brandejones, I just started a THM group, if you want to join. I bought the book about 3 weeks ago and have been eating "on plan" for just the past week, so I'm new to it but already seeing results. (My friend lost 80 since the spring.)

    It seems more complicated than it comes down to two basic rules. Keep 3 hours between consuming your carbs and your fats. Eat protein at every meal.
    (Okay 3...lay off the refined carbs (sugar, white flour, etc...they aren't good for you anyway).

    The thing is, THM is about more than straight weight loss...Trim, yes...but it's also Healthy. You can lose weight eating junk food if you have the right caloric deficit - providing you haven't crashed your metabolism like I did with chronic meal wasn't intentional, I was a busy mom with a business. I'd eat blupper (like brunch, only encompasing one more meal) at 7 at night. When I sold my business and reverted to regular meals I'd maintain at a deficit. Gain at maintenance levels and it was impossible to lose. A couple months ago I started eating more to lose weight (averaging 1900-2100 calories a day) and it worked, but up until a week ago I could feel my metabolism slow down at night (drop in body temp - aka hibernation mode)...within days of starting THM I started heating up at night (like my dear, can eat anything and still lose weight, Hubby). Engine's all revved up and the pounds are coming off but I've got more energy too. :smiley:

    It took me all of two days (maybe) to figure out how to build "on plan" meals.

    I did purchase glucomannan, xylitol and whey protein from a local health food store (I already had stevia)...not exactly a pile of supplements and weird friend (the one who lost the 80 lbs) did it without buying any protein powder. (About $30-$40 of "special" foods that she hasn't used up yet...with 80 lbs lost...)
  • I cannot find a THM group up here. How do I find it? You can't search for Groups anymore!!!
  • goodtwin_77
    goodtwin_77 Posts: 43 Member
    I am looking for a THM group as well. How do I find it?
  • nordakota
    nordakota Posts: 48 Member
    Me too! This inability to find a group is a real downer :( There is an online forum for THM on their website. I think I may jump on that instead...
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    I am using it as is my husband and have had great initial results- I have been working out and eating at a deficit for three years. I have an autoimmune disease and stick mostly to GAPs or Paleo but for an entire year I went between 127-129lbs (5'2") and didn't feel any better to boot. I tried eating more, juice fasting to break through and working out up to 90 minutes cardio and strength days- and rest day of course. No matter what I still felt awful and saw very little change. I stumbled on THM quite by accident and was intrigued by their testimony of figuring out what "healthy" was for each of them, their own medical issues and that healthy doesn't always look the same for each of us but the way our bodies burn fuel is the same. One sister is more relaxed about food and the other totally type A and both are just funny and inspiring. Anyway, we are losing the stubborn belly fat on THM finally and not a bit deprived, not any added flare ups or extra symptoms of my illness with a bonus of less pain and recovery because workouts are scaled back to what you can achieve in 30 minutes. So now husband isn't starving to death on straight paleo- he has a very active job and was unbearable after 6 months on his own paleo journey. Nothing in the past three years helped us fully achieve our goals of getting healthy (we each had 20lbs to lose) with paleo, calorie deficits, or the eating more calorie approach- all the while pushing 6 days a week strength then cardio alternating schedule at 90 minute sessions that were personally killing my body and sending me into horrible muscle and joint inflamation and IBS flares every few weeks. THM is the approach that is working for us. It is one way out of very many ways to lose weight, but is about far more then just weight- THM is about whole life health. It is actually very few "rules" in the book as the person above stated- less then paleo, gaps, no carb plans etc. Just those 3 "rules" and even doctors tell you if you seperate your fat meals from carb laden meals it achieves better health- not to never eat either one -that would be arbitrary. All this is, is the glycemic approach. Avoid huge blood sugar spikes and know how to fuel your body. Also the few supplements and "special" ingredients aren't really special or numerous either- just healthy sugar alternatives for those of who still like a wee bit of sweet now and again ;) Anyway, the author sisters have different approaches to the same goal similarly there is nothing wrong with thousands of MFPers having different approaches to obtain health if it works for them. Keep on, keepin on until you find what works for you! :) Oh and one last thing, God gave us others to build one another up, to grow and learn from and that includes on matters of health so I am thankful for these sisters who wrote the book, poured out their stories and took a risk of others criticism to help others. If they help some people then it is more then worth it, if not we keep going like everyone here and If they make money off a fellow believer then we call it support for the body of Christ. No different then us encouraging and supporting many,many MFPers on here in sharing their knowledge and journey. God bless the body of Christ as they work together towards better health!
  • jmarcee
    jmarcee Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know what the group is called? Can you post a link to it so we can join it?
  • Randy589
    Randy589 Posts: 18 Member
    jmarcee, it's those three words .com

    I don't know why they'd put a religious spin on it, I guess it's just to get more suckers into it. Or so they can be welcomed into churches to peddle their stuff.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Why don't you just eat at a deficit?

    because that never works….weight loss is as complicated as a Chinese finger puzzle..
  • WhitSpence3124
    WhitSpence3124 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started THM today. I made the chocolate muffin in a mug, the taco salad and the cottage berry whip and they were all amazing, I feel satisfied and I was under my calorie goal! Feel free to add me if you follow THM!
  • SkFarmMom wrote: »
    Brandejones, I just started a THM group, if you want to join. I bought the book about 3 weeks ago and have been eating "on plan" for just the past week, so I'm new to it but already seeing results. (My friend lost 80 since the spring.)

    SkFarmMom; can you post a link to join the THM group you started?
  • MamaWo
    MamaWo Posts: 11 Member
    I just started THM and would love to find a THM group on here as well!
  • jmcaro23
    jmcaro23 Posts: 1 Member
    Started today too. I hope to meet more THMers!!
  • natashabusie
    natashabusie Posts: 2 Member
    People really shouldn't give their opinion if they haven't read the book. Having said that I HAVE read the book and it is, in my opinion, divine wisdom for our culture. My first three weeks on plan I have lost six pounds and only ran one time. In the past to get that kind of weight loss I would have had to do a strict 1300 calories per day AND ran an average of 2 miles per day. Also, I'm only 15 pounds from goal weight so I'm not terribly overweight either -just a little baby weight left. As far a deficit it does work, but why when you can eat avocados, butter, and olive oil and still loose?
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I wish I could say the same but THM has been a disaster for me, after 5 weeks I went up two sizes! I'm already obese to begin with :(

    I'm struggling to get back down, even avoiding gluten and dairy hasn't done anything. I was excited to try it because I have hashimoto's thyroiditis and thought it could help that but no luck for me, despite following the plan perfectly.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    As far a deficit it does work, but why when you can eat avocados, butter, and olive oil and still loose?

    If it works for you, hooray! But I eat all of those things and am very close to 80 lbs down just by calorie counting.

    Like all diets, THM creates a set of rules under which calorie deficit typically occurs. It works if you follow it, i.e. maintain caloric deficit.

    Congrats on the success.