
trying to loose weight while taking levothyroxine! Anyone? Female age 50


  • kimberlynicole79
    kimberlynicole79 Posts: 52 Member
    Im suppose to be taking it but have been inconsistent. I know so bad. I did pretty good for a few weeks but my bottle spilled while on vacation so waiting for the new pills to come in the mail from the VA.
    Are you having difficulty losing weight? I would think it would help but not sure it does for everyone.
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    There are a couple of groups. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group is a good one. Another group is Hypothyroidism & Hard At Work.
  • I have been on it for over a year and I gained weight! Close to twenty pounds. I am now at the gym every day. Taking a 30 day transformation class. In my third week. I lost 1 lb. I think I gained alit if muscle though. It's tough at 50!!!
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    Yeah I am on Synthroid, and the doses are exact whereas Levothyroxine is not a consistent dosage, your doctor should know this. Synthroid is $31 a month but worth it. Check out the groups!
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    I have been on Synthroid for several years and have no problem loosing weight (when I don't drink beer). :-)
  • I have been cancer free for 7 years from Thyroid cancer. I take lextoxin. Doctors told Mr it would be hard to lose weight. I lost 25 lbs 2 years ago. Since then I had a baby and just need to get into the groove.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Jomac, when was the last time your doctor checked your thyroid levels? It may be time for a medication adjustment. :)
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    I agree Snickerscharlie.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    51 and on Armour for about a year now. No weight loss but I'm not giving up. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism is a great group. There are lots of nice and supportive folks!

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    When I was first diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (30 years ago!) and then Hashimoto's Disease, my doctor would monitor my thyroid levels every month. Then it went down to every three months, every six, and then annually. It takes a while to get the dosage exactly right, and then it needs to be monitored quite frequently for some time to make sure the dose is adequate enough to cover any fluctuating thyroid functions. :)
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    I was successfully maintaining a 140 pound loss when I had my thyroid removed, then hit menopause in what seemed like the very same month...And put on about 40 pounds in less than year. It's taken me 3 years to figure out what my magic number is in terms of calories and what thyroid med dosage works best. I also have to be far more meticulous with my calories than ever. I don't "diet," but have to be careful because I have no more wiggle room. Taking just the T4 hormone never did me any good. It could be that your dosage needs to be adjusted. I'd also ask your doctor to add some T3 to your meds
  • I'm right there with you jomac, I'm almost 50 , I am hypothyroid been on Synthroid for years and also gained weight. I'm very frustrated and Don't know where to turn. Hoping for some insight and support here from others in the same boat.
  • Serendipity5215
    Serendipity5215 Posts: 190 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism... I'm losing weight successfully, but it takes more time, effort, and a healthy dose of being stubborn ;)
  • I'm on Synthroid after thyroid cancer and half my thyroid removed, and I've had no problem losing weight (twice, once after baby). It may be a bit harder for us, but still possible. Do keep an eye on your levels though, they can change especially with weight loss. Having a wonky thyroid is a nuisance.
  • I agree Binky, I'm also going to try and get into more exercise I'm hoping that helps, I just need to stay motivated some how.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    Hypo and lost 103 so far.
  • jomac, sgrosick....About 7 years ago I was on Synthroid but not feeling better month after month. The last doc appt. I had, he just wanted to increase the med. again and I pleaded with him to do more testing to find out what was wrong, as I just didn't feel well. He said it wasn't necessary and I just needed more Synthroid. That was my last appt. with him and when I left there that day, I decided to take care of my own health! I saw no point in continuing to take the Synthroid if it wasn't making me feel better. I was still feeling awful, I was still gaining weight, and I couldn't see paying for it every month. I weaned off of it, which I am not telling anyone to do, just a decision I made for myself. Then I changed my eating and exercising. I made a commitment to myself for my health! I found a plan that made sense to me, and I followed it to a T for 12 weeks! I lost 35 pds. in those 12 wks. and I continued on for another 3 months to lose 10 more! I felt better than I had felt for many years before that! I have maintained that weight loss within 3 to 4 pounds up or down for the past 7 years! I had to go back on Levothyroxine a little over a year ago because I am now in Menopause and it is affecting my thyroid too. It is a low dose and I absolutely cannot stand having to take it. But, keeping with the nutrition and exercise, I still feel good! I have hot flashes, tiredness, and emotional spells, but nothing like I felt when I was at my worst with my thyroid levels being off the charts! It can be difficult, but you have to make that commitment! For me, something just clicked within me, and I was ready to make the change! I just want you to know that you can feel better! BODY for LIFE is the plan that I followed and it has been the best thing that I ever did for my health!
  • Thank you Romygo, your right in that I also do not feel well just in general, I can't pinpoint it I feel tired and sore most of the time. Congratulations on your weight loss and feeling better I am going to look into the plan you used, what do I have to loose.
  • :D So glad you are going to look into the plan! Anytime you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me here! And the soreness sounds about right....I experienced that too.
  • I will thank you again!