Alcohol and weigh loss

mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
How do you handle this issue?

I like wine and would love to drink red wine regularly. However, I noticed that when I drink wine, I stop losing weight. First of all I need to eat “normal” foods when I want to drink, and that does not help my weight losing efforts. Then, alcohol itself is a lot of calories.

Please share your wisdom with me. It looks that I got it wrong, since so many of you can enjoy good drinks and still lose weight.


  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm all ears too.
  • hollyheard
    hollyheard Posts: 3
    watch this :)
    i hope it helps.
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    I feel your pain! I love me some red wine, and while I am still losing weight.....I think it's going slower because of it. Not sure there is a good solution here. I suspect all the super healthy folks will just say drink less wine :)

    But I'd love to hear it if anyone has good suggestions!
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    I was just dealing with this dilemma myself...I was thinking I'. a alcoholic or issue is vodka. I've noticed since I've had a drink every other night....I'm not losing on the scale although inches lost are going and gone....what to do? Obviously...stop the drinking right? But what's an ok amount? One drink a week? A month? :grumble:
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Sorry, no advice. Alcohol (esp wine) slows my weight loss even if I stay within my calorie limit. I have really cut back. I used to have a glass of wine just about every evening, but now I don't really miss it because I have gotten such good results making that one small change. :brokenheart:
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Pure beverage alcohol is 7cal/gm. Drinks that contain sugars (wine, beer, mixed drinks, and the like) are going to also have the extra sugars. I checked here about alcohol calories - and you can see that there are about 100cal/oz of wine.

    If you want to drink wine or other alcohol, you're going to have to find a way to live with the fact that your weight loss will slow due to extra calories, work out more to get more "free" calories, or eat less of your food to allow for alcohol.

    I'm speaking as someone who allows myself one or two rum-and-OJ's a week. I account for the extra sugar and alcohol in my diet plan, and I'm OK with having to exercise a bit more and eat a bit less. And I'm also OK knowing that there is no nutritive value in alcohol other than the calories, because I enjoy it.

    No one is telling you you *can't* have alcohol, and if I recall correctly red wine does have some health benefits. But calories are calories. So just count them and enjoy the wine.
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    Moderation will be one of the keys. I allow myself a glass of wine (about 6 oz) with dinner and I am losing weight. Throughout the day the only other drinks that I drink are black coffee and water. I don't drink soda's etc... so the extra sugar I am getting from the wine seems to be ok. This is coupled with an active lifestyle.
    Cheers =)
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I had about 3 glasses of wine last night when I went to visit my mum.
    We have a love for wine and crack it open every time we are together so I'm not willing to give that up just yet.

    I was meant to be going to the pub tonight with some friends and would usually drink budweiser which I also love. But I've decided I would rather lose a bit of weight this week. Drink a soft drink tonight instead of high calorie beer or wine. I had my fill last night and I'm happy with that.

    Next week I think I'll swap my night on the wine for a night on the beer. Moderation is key.

    Over the last 3 weeks, since starting losing weight I'm managed to lose every week with having a nice intake of alcohol. I just cut down a bit and I don't feel like I'm missing out so it's all good! :happy:
  • dan76n
    dan76n Posts: 23
    Im pretty sure alcohol slows your metabolism down. So if your counting calories and not going over your limit and still not loosing weight this is probably the case.
    Its a tough one to deal with as its unlikely your going to want to go for a jog after a few wines to wake your metabolism.
    Maybe look at eating super healthy when you drinking ie: veggies all day?
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I love wine! I totally quit drinking it. It is high in calories, slows your metabolism down, plus I do not stop with just one glass. I will have a scotch and soda, but I measure the alcohol. I am going to stop that for a while because I think it makes me more sluggish in the mornings when I do my work outs. We shall see.:flowerforyou:
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I too love my wine, so I just save up enough calories so that I can have a glass a couple times a week. I also really like drinking sparkling wine, and buy that in splits. That way I will just drink one split and not go back for more.

    I think it is about moderation. If you are drinking many glasses a night there is going to be an issue. If drinking makes you not work out, that will be an issue. To me, a life without wine is not worth living ;)
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    I love chocolate, but I don't eat it every day, because it is not good for my weightloss. I just eat a piece on the weekend. You have to decide whats more important, loosing weight, or enjoying wine. If you like it so much, just drink one glass on the weekend. Moderation is the word.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member

    No time to read it all..but very interesting post!
  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    WHile I realize this will not be much help since it is still wine- if you must... Malbec has the lowest red wine calories and the highest alcohol % I think... the most bang for your buck.
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i have a wee glass of something each evening... just a habit i suppose, but i exercise extra so i can have it . i am still losing weight steadily.. maybe a bit more slowly than if i wasn't having the drinks, but hey ho.... life is for living, and i like to live
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I know it doesn't help and I hate being 'clicky' by using trendy verbiage, but I'm very much straight-edge. No alcohol. That way I don't have to worry about it effecting my weight-loss. I totally don't mind going to bars or parties hanging out with family members or friends that are drinking but I'd rather not have any. I've drank before, but I personally don't like any (if there are any) benefits to drinking. My friends and family are very understanding and don't mind a bit. (Probably because I'm always a given DD) :)

    I am wild and crazy enough without alcohol, with it I'd just be obnoxious anyway!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I'm a beer gal. I REALLY had to cut back on it. I have maaaaaybe a pint a week now. And only if I can fit it in. But I have to drink lots of water or I find it causes me to gain/maintain weight
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I've decided to give it up for a while, love vodka and real ale but know it'll just hinder my progress
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've pretty much cut out drinking during the week simply to be healthier. However the weekends are fair game haha. My boyfriend and I are starting a wine cellar and we drink a lot of wine on the weekends, I also love Blue Moon. I just make sure it's in my calories and that I drink my gallon or more of water. I also make sure I eat healthy foods. For me it's a bit easier because unlike a lot of people, I don't get the munchies when I drink. Alcohol completely suppresses my appetite so I don't go hog wild during or after drinking which I know helps. I also work out twice a day, so I burn a lot of calories and get rid of a lot of water weight. Just have to find what works for you.
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    I drink once a week with my friends and I have lost 30 pounds since January. You can't do it everyday, has to be in moderation like everything else. Don't eat the bad food while drinking or the next day when your body craves and workout hard! One day of fun won't ruin the week.