Low carb days

hey guys, does anyone have yummy recipes to help me get through low carb days on my bikini prep? I have to have 0 sugar intake. Thank youuu (:


  • Sweet potato fries (homemade) are pretty popular with bikini prep if you don't add fat or sugar.
  • Salad no croutons. Beef jerkey. Cheese sticks. Broccoli and ranch. The grilled chicken from kfc. Pizza Hut also makes a special pan pizza with out any crust, because they got so tired of people on low card diets eating the tops off 20 slices of pizza at the buffets haha.
  • Also when you're craving sugar I would just eat a spoon full of peanut butter or drink a diet soda. They do make sugar free candy/chocolate but I'll warn you that stuff will rip your stomach up!
  • fortyb440
    fortyb440 Posts: 1 Member
    I love making veggie filled omlets. I snack on pork rinds, beef jerkey, dill pickles , cottage cheese. Baked tilapia and steamed broccoli is my go to fast, easy light dinner. Salads topped with feta cheese and chicken or garbonzo beans.
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    get a juicer/blender and make fruit and veg juice, filling and good for you, don't throw any thing away, drink the lot

    plenty of recipes online, or just make your own depending on your tastes
  • mhfl2057
    mhfl2057 Posts: 1 Member
    I love low carb Thai food

    Ispicy hot and sour prawn/fish/chicken soup is Devine
  • VermontgirlinMA
    VermontgirlinMA Posts: 4 Member
    I'm currently doing low carb this week. My meals tend to look something like this "2 farm fresh eggs over hard in butter with a cup of coffee and water with lemon" for breakfast. For lunch a baby kale (or use any lettuce) salad topped with ground turkey meat seasoned with taco seasoning (you can pre-make this and heat it in the microwave or you could use grilled chicken or black beans) with olives, hot pepper rings, cottage cheese, blue or feta cheese and apple cider vinegar. For dinner I will mix the no drain tuna with mustard but you could mix it with whatever and add in spices or whatever and tons of water and more salad or I'll roast up a pan of veggie. Go to your local farm stand or grocery store and buy a ton of fresh veggies such as carrots, celery, parsnips etc. Just put them in a pan with some chicken or veggie stock, put in fresh herbs you can buy in the produce section, sage, rosemary, thyme, cut up fresh garlic and shallots (LOTS OF THESE) and top with chicken and bake covered with tin foil for an hour. Its SO yummy with the fresh herbs. I keep almonds and almond butter and peanut butter that are ONLY ground nuts with no sugar on hand to kill the carb craving. I also eat a lot of cabot cheese and cheese sticks because on low carb I have to keep eating to avoid my sugar going too low. I'm not sure if this is too long but hope it helps. OTHER ideas include buying chicken tenders. Broil them for 6 minutes on each side, toss in buffalo sauce and dip in blue cheese dressing. YUM
  • lstyper
    lstyper Posts: 10 Member
    I find it filling to bake a large summer squash cut in half seasond with hot shot and parm cheese drizzled with olive oil and fresh cracked black pepper. Squash is filled with water so it fills u up.
  • yoyocueball
    yoyocueball Posts: 2 Member
    hey guys, does anyone have yummy recipes to help me get through low carb days on my bikini prep? I have to have 0 sugar intake. Thank youuu (:

  • yoyocueball
    yoyocueball Posts: 2 Member
    Follow @low_carbin_it on Instagram for great low carb recipes.
  • Be careful with beef jerky as a snack as some have recommended. My husband also can't have any added sugar and almost all commercial jerky brands have sugar in their ingredients. So just read your labels.
  • I'm putting grilled Zucchini and Tomato Salad on my menu for the week, served with grilled meat of choice.
  • spicy egg drop soup totally does it for me. there's a recipe on the sidechef app. it's a Japanese fusion recipe