Just getting started.....again

Hi everyone!
My name is Anne and I am looking for friends to help cheer me along my weight loss journey.
I was on MFP before, and did really well for almost a year. Then life got in the way, or at least that was on of the excuses I used.
I know I can't keep living like this if I want to live a long happy and healthy life.
Let's help keep each other motivated! I am not a health expert by any means, but I can offer support and positive reinforcement!
Time to get started again and take my life and health back!


  • paulab1968
    paulab1968 Posts: 23 Member
    Send me a request... I'll support you!!!
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Life got in my way too lol. Just starting over, add me if you want :)
  • goldfox23
    goldfox23 Posts: 4 Member
    hey I lost my Mom in May so life got in way, I started comfort food eating and know how fast it packs on pounds, so i ll try to help too
  • Nassima60
    Nassima60 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello !
    Just starting AGAIN today ! Got really good, I have the same excuse haha !
    Add me in, we'll beat this thing together !!
  • eeilise
    eeilise Posts: 3 Member
    Life does get in the way!!! After a big move across states and big life changes, I'm starting over too. Add me as well & we'll help support each other!

  • mveloz1
    mveloz1 Posts: 2
    I'm just starting again too! Good Luck! I'm here for you
  • zenvette
    zenvette Posts: 4
    Hi All I'm Ivette!! It's never to late! Keep going, don't give up.
  • Just add me! :)
  • JodyBaker02
    JodyBaker02 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon a bit, and now am back on. Fresh start!
  • Starting over....for the third time. Life just seems to have a way of getting between our goals. Add
    me I would love the extra support!
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! I'm just getting started, too and I'm trying to lose weight, seriously, this time!
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    It's been 7 days since I started. Let's support each other!
  • JoanKB54
    JoanKB54 Posts: 24 Member
    Add me too! Just getting started again!