Hi I am in need of friends as I am starting my weight loss journey

ceelou52 Posts: 31 Member
Hi, my name is cyndi i am 27 yrs old. I am starting my weight loss journey this is not the first time I've attempted to lose weight I have succeeded and failed numerous times. I am in need of friends to motivate me and keep me on the right track also I need to relate to others who are in the same situation as me. I am a first time mom to a beautiful girl who is now 5 months old my weight went up to 271 while pregnant I am currently 257 pounds. My short term goal is to get to 220 pounds than I would like to get to the weight I was 2 yrs ago which was 170 pounds. Being In a relationship and 2 pregnancy (1 lost in miscarriage) has put a lot of stress on my body because I failed to look after it now I feel like I need to lose weight to find myself again I'm sick of being unhealthy and having a low self esteem. So if you want a real and honest friend add me I would love to have support through this change. Thanks


  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi! Good luck on your journey and hope you reach your goal. :D You can do it!!!
  • beatrizarellano
    beatrizarellano Posts: 1 Member
    <3 Keep going!!! You can do it
  • jamie_senecal
    jamie_senecal Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm 38yrs old, mother of seven. Gave birth to 5 and have 2 step children. I didn't struggle with my weight until having children. I started this app at 171pounds and now am at 159.6. My goal is to reach 135 pounds. Looking for buddies to keep the motivation going. Feel free to add me.
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Add me if you want! I believe we can do this :)
  • zenvette
    zenvette Posts: 4
    Hi Cindy, I'm Ivette mother of 4, busy life, mother of 4. It's never to late to start. Push yourself, Start slow, but commit to work out every day. Any type of Cardio will do wonders! What helps me, I get home put on my workout clothes AND that motivates me to do my exercise daily.
  • dawncolleen0120
    dawncolleen0120 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Cyndi, I too could use additional friends along my journey. So far I've lost 6 lbs. and I've got 20 more to go. What's worked for me so far is just sticking to my 1200 calories. I also enjoy walking but with the cold, it's been difficult. But I'd love for you to add me as a friend as well.
  • kelsee422
    kelsee422 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to add you! I came from a weight close to yours and I'm still going!
  • huntersmommy332
    huntersmommy332 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey! I'm in the same boat as you . I'm 26 and had back to back pregnancy and lost my last one In a miscarriage half way through my pregnancy and decided that I was time to take care of my body and my health for my self and my son' feel free to add me!
  • ceelou52
    ceelou52 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone :) it's nice to be so encouraged, it really helped me through my first day as I would call it detox because I've gotten addicted to bad foods that my body and mind is in shock with health lol
  • Ogopogo
    Ogopogo Posts: 58 Member
    Try making small permanent changes. For example, no eating after 8pm - period. No drinking calories. Those two things alone make a big difference for me. Yes, the first day will be hell, the second day will be hard but not quite hell, day three will be a little easier and eventually making the healthy choice will become a habit.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • melissac57
    melissac57 Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    I am new to this app and need support as well. I think we all do. However I don't know how to add friends and don't want to add people who don't want added :) I am 35 and weigh 212. My short term goal is 190 but hoping I can eventually get back to at least 150. I have 2 kids. After my 1st I lost most of my weight and was down to 130. I never lost the weight from my 2nd. Only gained...
  • cwilson72180
    cwilson72180 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I am in a somewhat similar situation as you. However, I don’t have children so that is the only difference. I am 34 years old and weight 225 pounds currently. I would like to get back down to 170 as well or maybe a little less but that is good enough for me. I will definitely be your weight loss friend! If you would like to be email friends, FB friends, and maybe even Skype friends, PM me and we can add each other and email each other! I would love more friends!
  • MeganFlanagan16
    MeganFlanagan16 Posts: 136 Member
    Feel free to add me! Good luck with everything!
  • AbbyLC2328
    AbbyLC2328 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here also. We can do this. Feel free to add me!
  • tnwlkr43
    tnwlkr43 Posts: 57 Member
    you can add me
  • andreamulhall
    andreamulhall Posts: 81 Member
    Hey . I'm 28 have a little boy he's 19 months , also miscarried baby no2
  • gantzgirl87
    gantzgirl87 Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck to you! Feel free to add me!
  • marielm87
    marielm87 Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck. Add me.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm 28yrs..working as a professional pastry chef..struggling since college to lose weight using various diets/workout. Finally found a diet that seems to work..looking to lose 40lbs. We can kick each other in the butt :]
  • UghLorUgh
    UghLorUgh Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I am 25 years old and started using MFP back in August. I have since lost 52 lbs. but have a long way to go. I am on MFP daily. I just sent you a friend request but anyone can add me.