Not new to fitness

I'm 52 and staying on track is harder and harder. Losing weight is also harder. I'm not new to fitness, I just can't stay on track. I do good for a couple months then I think okay well I can have this and this and this and then I fall off the wagon hard. I know what I need to do, I just don't.


  • thespringbuck
    thespringbuck Posts: 27 Member
    Helps having someone to work on it together, you keep each other motivated, it's how my wife and I were at the start, but now it's just a lifestyle and easy to maintain and that's where you need to get to. Once you see results you don't want to go back but it's important to enjoy the food, something sustainable is so important, so this app and IIFYM is in my opinion the only way of ensuring a success. I wrote a post earlier today if you're interested.
  • Just keep in mind why you started