Clubbercise Anyone?

Has anyone else tried Clubbercise? I've been going for about a month now and I'm totally hooked! I've always been quite self conscious about going to exercise classes but this is essentially aerobics in the dark, under disco lights, holding glow sticks and dancing along to club music from 90s to current - I can't recommend it enough. It's seriously inspired me to include more exercise into my routine!


  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    sounds fun. Not seen it where I live but I have done zumba in semi darkness with flashing disco lights and sha'bam is a dance aerobic class that I really enjoy and get a 'runner's high from as it is good enough to get an endorphin kick from.
  • awesomewastaken
    awesomewastaken Posts: 92 Member
    Aerobics in the dark - sounds like a recipe for disaster considering my balance :smiley: But I looked at some videos and it does seem like a lot of fun.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    That sounds like so much fun.
  • I did manage to hit myself in the head with a glow stick on Thursday during one of the routines but overall I think it's pretty risk free. When I can't work out how to keep up with the moves (I have zero coordination), I just jump up and down for a bit. Well worth giving it a go if you like dancing on a night out!
  • What place offers this? Sounds like fun!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • There's a website where you can see where your nearest class is. I think it's something like I looked it up when my friend told me about it and there's abour 9 classes near me - I'm off to 3 classes this week!
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    It doesn't look like it's made it to Indiana yet, but that sounds like so much fun!