Will you be my friend please??

tami315 Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am quite new to this site, I start losing weight 18 months, I started at 218 pounds and am now 163 pounds. I lost the weight counting calories very roughly at home but I have put on 9 pounds whilst trying to maintain. I am joining this site to see if it will help me stay on track! I want to lose about 13 pounds and see what I feel like at that weight.

I already run most days and like to exercise but struggle to decide if i should eat those calories.

Anyone can add me add a friend, I need lots of support x :happy:


  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I will! I'm a mom to two boys under four, so I know how kids can make working out a challenge.
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460

    i have just added you
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I will add you! I run as well but stuggle with 10-15 pounds and always wondered why. Now I can actually see why and logging my breakfast and lunch before I go to work really helps me to see what I have left to work with for dinner. So if I am only left with 100 cals for dinner, I know I really screwed up the rest of the day and then I will re-evaluate and put stuff back if I am overdoing it. I don't have any kids so for me, there is really no excuse not to work out, yet somehow seemed to still keep making them (up until now!) As far as eating calories - I run 3x a week. On those days I am usually more hungry so I do prob. eat about half of them back - I don't always, I just go by how I feel. I bust my butt running so I think I deserve an extra snack on those days. I just try and keep it healthy and around 100-200 calories (hummus & carrots, apple & peanutbutter, crackers and laughing cow spreadable wedge cheese) so I don't feel guilty about it. Everyone has their own opinions about eating back exercise caloires or not and thats just mine. I want to be under at the end of the day, but I don't want to go to bed too hungry either. Good luck to you - you can do it!!!
  • Hi I am 28 from Bristol and am trying to lose my last 16.5lbs - wanted a network of pals on here to help and get advice from x
  • tami315
    tami315 Posts: 12
    thanks for adding me x
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