thinking of adding C25K to my fitness routine, but...

I currently workout with my coworkers each lunch. Mon - Wed - Friday, we do "Lunchtime Express" which is a total body workout class the Y offers. I love it! Tues & Thursday we do spinning at lunch.

I'm probably in the best shape I've been in for 10 years. I've only lost 10 pounds so far, but my body is a lot trimmer (still morbidly obese, mind you) and my food choices and emotions are way healthier as well.

I've always wanted to run, so we all signed up for a local 10K at the end of April. My sister and I did a 5k last year, and I was able to do run/walk intervals and we had a BLAST! I'm hoping for the same this year at the 10k.

I know I won't come in as one of the top runners. Heck, I will probably be walking more than running. But I don't want to come in last, with the police car following me in!! LOL So I'm thinking about adding a Couch to 5K program, maybe in the evenings after work, to my fitness routine. I figure I'll probably have to increase my calories in on those days (that's why I only lost 10 lbs in 2 months - was eating too few calories for my workouts!)

Because of my knee issues (just wear & tear from carrying around almost 300 lbs for years), I plan to do most of the work to begin with on the treadmill, because it doesn't seem to affect my joints as much -- and then when the weather warms up a bit more, hitting the street. (jeez, I feel old typing that!)

Are there any other issues you can think of I need to be prepared for? My biggest concern is hurting myself because I'm working out most every day to begin with, and now adding a couch to 5K/10K to the mix.

TIA! :smiley:


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I personally wouldn't add the C25K on a day you are already working out. Even though you are in really good shape, the C25K takes a lot of effort, especially at the beginning. When I started it, I had been working out for a year doing the ARC trainer for 45-60 minutes 7 days a week. I thought I was going to die when I started the C25K. LOL

    It's designed to be done every other day, to allow your body to recover completely between workouts. I think I would replace my Tues/Thurs class with a C25K day and adding a weekend C25K workout. And don't push too hard or you will hurt yourself.

    There's no shame in walking a 5K. I've walked dozens of them and finally ran my first last spring. When I was walking them, my only goal was to be at the front of the walkers and stay there. If you decide not to stop the spin class, then maybe just add in walking 3 times a week and add in speed and distance over time.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I agree with previous poster. You can totally do it, and I loved C25K, but don't double up yet on workouts. You aren't ready (no offense). Drop something and commit to it. As your fitness improves, doubles will be fine.
  • tabrewis
    tabrewis Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you ladies! That definitely helps!
  • MissKissKins
    MissKissKins Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new here but wanted to share with you!
    I started the C25K programme by the NHS end of January and I agree with hbrittingham!
    I don't consider myself unfit, but I'm not fit either I've always done some form of exercise just not dedicated or anything but when I started the C25K I thought I was going to die!!
    Still do sometimes to be honest haha!
    I'm now on Week 4, I had some slip ups on week 3, I repeated it for about 2/3 weeks before coming onto week 4 but its an excellent programme! You can really take it at your own pace, repeat weeks as often as you need until you're ready to up the intensity.
    I can't see why you can't do it but agree with other comments of leaving a day between, or some posts I've been reading recommend a cross-train or strength train day in those rest days to help build muscle and stamina. Just something gentle like general weights, squats and lunges, swimming, cycling etc.
    I hope this helps! Just wanted to share with you :smile:
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I did the c25k last summer/fall - it was great! Two things: if you're starting on a treadmill and transitioning to outdoors, make sure you put the treadmill at a slight incline or you could be frustrated by a setback once you get outside. There are hills, bumpy surfaces, curbs, and other obstacles outdoors, not to mention actually moving your body through space takes more effort/muscle than just moving your legs below you on a treadmill. It doesn't need much incline, just level 1 should help a lot.
    Second thing is there is an awesome group here for c25k - everyone is soo supportive and when I started I read over some of the threads - most stumbling blocks I came to along the way I already anticipated and knew the advice to get through them bc of everyone sharing their experiences and knowledge.
    Other than that - have great shoes and GO SLOWLY! Speed follow naturally after you put miles down so just run for time to start don't worry you can't go too slowly.
    Happy running!!
  • MissKissKins
    MissKissKins Posts: 16 Member
    Where can I find the C25K group?
    I'm new haha
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    group link:

    Like other posters have said C25K is not anything to be added as an after thought. It is a main focus and you definitely need the rest days after or at least a non-leg day. I do yoga on my rest days and that works for me.

    Enjoy it. It's hard work, but you'll see improvements each week and you'll love it. Don't be discouraged it you have to repeat some weeks. I had to and I'm ok with that. :)
  • MissKissKins
    MissKissKins Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you!
    Joined now :smile:
    It's encouraging to hear other people's experiences!
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    Just to add another twist to this. I am doing the couch to 5k on the treadmill. I second the incline suggestion. However to get in to this gradually I am going through at it at 3 and 4 mph. when I'm done I'm going to go through it again at 3 and 5 mph. After that we'll see. I really don't like running ironic since when I was in shape I was a pretty good distance runner. I am working on this because it's a cardio workout that doesn't take a lot of thought or special gear.