5'9 Ladies & Up? What is you GOAL?



  • I'm 6'2" and currently weigh 217. It's the heaviest I've ever been. My lowest weight was 163, which is not realistic for me to maintain. My goal is 170-175.
  • newday180
    newday180 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5' 11" and I have set my first goal at 225, then 200. The thinnest I think I could maintain in a healthy and happy way is 180. I am larger boned and wear size 12w shoes (which is just as awesome as it sounds, lol), so my goal is healthy and happy, not "perfection".
  • fit4lifemom
    fit4lifemom Posts: 47 Member
    5'9" and striving for 165. After university and before kids, I was fairly athletic and hovered between 155 and 160. Once while training hard for a marathon, I dropped closer to 150 and felt sick and had no energy. 160 seemed like the sweet spot. Last summer I reached 203 and realized something needed to change.
  • kailibertsch
    kailibertsch Posts: 139 Member
    5'10", currently 160 but goal is 150.
  • alysme
    alysme Posts: 81 Member
    5'8" - goal of 135ish. I'm about 140 at the moment and still have a bit to lose.
    My frame is tiny, I've got narrow hips, teeny wrists etc.
  • kelroberts21
    kelroberts21 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'10, started at 235.4 and just hit 173 this morning (BF % of 24.7%). Originally 175 was my weight goal, but I want to get that BF% down a little bit more and lose some of the flabby parts. I started lifting from the beginning, though, and I can say it's made all the difference in the world. I weigh about what I did my junior year of high school (12 years ago), but wear two sizes smaller. So I think your goal weight can change as you lose...but don't wait to start lifting! It makes a huge difference.
    BL3SS3DFITN3SS Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'10 with a weight loss goal to see 149lbs. But once I hit that my focus will shift to body fat percentage and I'm okay if my weight increases while my percentage decreases-muscle gain.
  • barbiereynolds701
    barbiereynolds701 Posts: 98 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I'm only 5'8 and hit goal at 165 (am now aiming for a range of 160-165 because weight on the scale is a range not a fixed point)

    Scale weight doesn't matter, body composition does and I'm relatively happy to be tweaking with progressive lifting now
    5'9" @211. Would like to get to 168 and then see when I get there what needs to be toned, firmed, or lost.

    Start a lifting programme, as you're losing. Don't wait. It's best to preserve your LBM on the way down rather than try to rebuild it

    I am lighting now. ;) I am only at 5lb dumbells but I Def see and feel the muscles building! I love lifting! I can see myself getting addicted to it!
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    6ft and goal weight about 180. Once I get there, I might decide slightly lower depending on how that weight looks and what I need to do to shape things up. The absolute lowest I can go is 165 because I do have a large frame - as someone else said, I can't wear women's gloves, bracelets and watches either at any weight. I look very gaunt and sickly if I go lower than 165.

    No one ever guesses my correct weight. To see the looks on nurses and doctors faces when I get on a scale - way more pounds than they expected to see. I don't tell anyone in real life my actual goals or even how much I've lost because my starting point is so high.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Niecenbabe wrote: »
    5'10" here and 47 yrs old. My goal is to get back to 180. The lowest I've been in 179 winter of 2012 - and then I gained it all back. Of course I cheated my way down by going for the quick weight loss tools such as UWeightLoss. Great program but expensive. My weight loss started in 2007 when I weighed 258 lbs. Today I am 202, so close to onederland I can taste it. I think your goal should be what makes you happy, what makes you feel good, not so much the number on the scale or what tv or magazines think you should be. I want to get to 180 and see what happens after that - like maintaining. I've never been good at that part.

    You and I are nearly twins. I'm 47. 5'10". SW 236. CW 219. First Goal Weight 199 (just need to get to onederland!). Second Goal Weight is 175. In My Dreams Goal Weight (if I'm motivated enough) is 150.
  • mccully
    mccully Posts: 4 Member
    5'9- goal weight would be somewhere in the 150 range. +/- 5-10lbs in either direction. CW=168ish.
  • nellneary
    nellneary Posts: 8 Member
    5'9 - ultimate goal weight would be 145 (size 6/8 for me), I would be happy to be in the 150's again. Started Jan 2015 at 179, down ten pounds from then. Add me if you want!
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    To stay where I am at 140-145. I' between 6 ft and 6'1. Basically maintenance, and being fit, lots of cardio, some strength training and healthy eating.
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    ^^^^^^^ I want the same thing. I am 5'11 and 155lbs I just want improve myself everyday.
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    5 foot 10, HW 175 lbs, current weight 164. I would love to get down to 150 lbs, that is my lowest adult weight, and I felt good there. But once I get into the 150 range I will turn my focus to recomp and then throw the scale out the window.
  • saucesofit
    saucesofit Posts: 16 Member
    5'11 here. I was always very, very thin growing up. I ran track and, reaching my full height at 15, weighed only 120 lbs. After quitting track in college I got to a high of just over 170. Very lazy, very bad diet. I was about a size 10 at this point. Now, as a bodybuilder my weight tends to fluctuate based on if I am near a show or working to add muscle (which means I also intentionally gain fat. I spent the past 8 month "bulking" to put on size and my weight topped out upwards of 165 - but I was in a size 4-6 compared to the 10 of my past.

    My point here is to say that weight is a pretty misleading thing; it only paints a very small part of a picture. I have been around 170lbs twice and looked very, very different both times.

    And for those curious, in my profile photo I am around 143. I will likely compete at nearer to 150 this year. Hello muscle gains!!
  • lindseyrenee8
    lindseyrenee8 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm taller than all of you and I'm aiming for 230 lol. Wish I could get to the 100s. Last time I remember being in the 100s was when I was 10 at 160. I have a ways to go but one day at a time.
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    6 feet tall and 150 is my goal. I was a runner before I got fat and weight 160. Even then I had a bit of junk in my trunk (joys of being a pear), so 150 is reasonable for me.
  • jaxblu143
    jaxblu143 Posts: 18
    I'm 5'9 and 158 pounds. I'd love to be 140. That's my most comfortable weight.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I am 5'10 and shooting for 175. It's actually a little lower than the # my doctor gave me. I got to 185 last year and I was wearing mostly size 10's with a few size 8s. I want to get to where more of my clothes is the size 8.