Insanity or P90X opinions please

Right, so basicly right now im doing the 30 day shred...I want to do more, I dont feel like its enough and was maybe t hinking about getting something like insanity or p90x....but I go on holiday in about 30 days - So would stopping the insanity or p90x workouts for a week matter much? Or should i do something else along side the 30 day shred?

Im clueless and need opinions :(


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Hated p90x....i don't have an hr or more a day to spend on working out with a little one.....Plus you have to have all differnent things for p90x
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    It's not terrible to take a week off if you watch your nutrition. Just pick up where you left off. Insanity would probably be better for this, but depends on what you want to do and what your goals are.
  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    Insanity no doubt
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Right, so basicly right now im doing the 30 day shred...I want to do more, I dont feel like its enough and was maybe t hinking about getting something like insanity or p90x....but I go on holiday in about 30 days - So would stopping the insanity or p90x workouts for a week matter much? Or should i do something else along side the 30 day shred?

    Im clueless and need opinions :(

    First, I would do P90X before Insanity. Second, stopping a week, won't matter much. Just pick up where you left off. Third, it'll take about a week for you to get your program anyway, so that would put your holiday at about the Recovery week. If you need any help please let me know.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I did P90X first and had great results. Doing Insanity now...well trying to do it. Keep starting and I then I let stuff get in the way. But both are awesome!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I kinda like P90 X. But you need to have enough room. You do need a resistance band with handles at least and some weights. Which isn't bad. I have a pull up bar but I did the easy version and used the band for my pull ups. It does take an hour a day. I usually work out while my toddler is napping... I stopped P90x cuz I have to move a zillion toys out of the way in order to do them, so I got tired of that. I now do Zumba about 4 days a week and then run 3 days a week and about once a week I throw in one P90 X routine, just to mix it up and so it will keep my body guessing. You should try Zumba.. it is awesome! I did like P90X cuz you are doing something diff. every day verses the same thing over and over. But it is hard, so if you do try it, don't be discouraged if you can't do it all. When I started we could only do about half of each video. Within 2 wks we were able to do it all! Good Luck hope you have fun!!
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    I have done P90X and lost 20lbs on it. I loved it and not only did it help me lose weight, but helped build muscle and gave me definition. I have since graduated and I am now doing INSANITY and I can tell you, at least for me, it's a lot more difficult. Lots of cardio (interval training) and you are using your own body weight as resistance. I'm on my 3rd week and have noticed a difference in my fitness level. I wouldn't have tried INSANITY without at least doing something before that. I don't think I would of made it. Good luck and for me P90X was great!

    PS..... I also heard ChaLean was also great!
  • tejeda0822
    tejeda0822 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd vote for Insanity since its a super intense Cardio workout. Be prepared to WORK, because it is serious. My only problem with Insanity is that I need to stop so often to catch my breath, that I feel like I'm not getting a big enough calorie burn. Have you tried the Biggest Loser DVD's? I've started back up on those to switch my workout around and forgot how much I enjoyed them.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I will be finishing P90X on Saturday and starting Insanity on Monday. I'm at my goal weight, but wouldn't mind losing another couple of pounds. I did not lose much on P90X, (probably because I'm at goal weight), but built nice muscle tone and am liking how I'm looking (especially upper body). That said, it did not have enough cardio for me. I added cardio. At times, I was working out 2 plus hours a day (not every day, but still)--90 minutes in the morning and yoga at night. I'm worried about Insanity because I'm used to doing so much more. We'll see. When we went on vacation (pre P90X), I loaded my DVDs onto my laptop, downloaded a free software program to watch them, and worked out in our hotel suite every morning.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I've done both. Personally, I love Insanity and love P90x.

    If you want a quick workout that pushes your stamina, while rapidly burning calories then Insanity it great, but keep in mind there are NO breaks. Yes, there are 30 sec between each set, but thats only long enough to drink water and check your heart rate. You will burn anywhere from 300-1000 calories in a day. Each day is anywhere from 37 min to 1.5 hours (this is only on the day that you do a MAX INTERVAL training and the fit test on the same day). You will build a little muscle, but will burn a lot calories. I've lost about 7-8 pounds so far (keep in mind, that I've never been bigger than a size 2, so weight loss is usually a lot more than that).

    I have done P90x TWICE. P90x has plenty of breaks that are also longer, but is also anywhere from an hour to 1.5 hours. You will build more muscle on P90x, but the scale doesnt move as much. I honestly lost no weight, but my body had more definition and I am stronger than I have ever been.

    I suppose it depends on the person. I say, if you are planning to shed the fat, then Insanity...If you are trying to get better definition and build muscle, then P90x.

    On a side note- Now that I am doing Insanity and shedding the excess fat, I am beginning to see the 6 pack that P90x gave me. I didnt even know it was back there until the fat started to go away.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    The nice thing about P90X is that you can do a lot of those exercises wherever you go and don't have to take a whole week off if you don't want to. Since it incorporates so many different types of workouts you can fit in a short one here and there. The Ab Ripper workout is only 15 mins and burns a lot of calories. If you don't have a place to watch the DVD you can just bring the exercise list and do it yourself without a tv. Yoga is another workout you can do as well as all the pushups and lunges and squats. If you have the bands, those pack easily.

    Like someone else stated, you can plan it to where you are on vacation on your "rest" week. I still use P90X exercises even though I am not currently doing the whole program. I LOVE it!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Thank you