Ok, we may have ended a week earlier than we were supposed to but I think you will all agree we did really well! We had 34 members at any given time and our tiny list is what remains. All of the information is based off of the START weight you provided to me or canelitas and your final weight is what was delivered to me this week.

Listed in order of percentage of body weight lost from highest to lowest but by no means should anyone not be proud of what they accomplished over the last 15 weeks! I am proud of all of us!

Member……………. ……...START ….…..FINAL .……..+/- …....% Lost
Mishy……………….. ……….224.5 ……...203.5 .….-21.0 ……...9.35%
Bohlon15………….. ……….210.0 …..….191.0 …..-19.0 ……...9.04%
Losing_it…………… ……….178.0 …..….162.0 …..-16.0 ……...8.98%
Jackie_W…………… ……….240.0 ……….219.0 …..-21.0 ……...8.75%
Chipper15173…… ……….230.4 ……...211.2 …..-19.2 ……...8.33%
Anna_Banana……. ……….170.6 ……...162.0 ….….-8.6 ……...5.04%
Nich0le……………… ……….224.4 ……...217.0 …....-7.4 ……...3.29%
Guntherma……….. ……….163.0 ……..158.0 ….….-5.0 ……..-3.06%
Texasangelbeth… ……….168.0 …..….160.0 .…...-5.0 …..….2.97%
Stenogal……………. ……….146.2 ……….142.8 …….-3.4 ………2.32%
************** ******************* *************** ************ **************
TEAM TOTALS…. ……..1955.1 …….1829.5 …-125.6 ……..-6.42%

:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: HERES TO THE BLACK TEAM:heart:


  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Ok, we may have ended a week earlier than we were supposed to but I think you will all agree we did really well! We had 34 members at any given time and our tiny list is what remains. All of the information is based off of the START weight you provided to me or canelitas and your final weight is what was delivered to me this week.

    Listed in order of percentage of body weight lost from highest to lowest but by no means should anyone not be proud of what they accomplished over the last 15 weeks! I am proud of all of us!

    Member……………. ……...START ….…..FINAL .……..+/- …....% Lost
    Mishy……………….. ……….224.5 ……...203.5 .….-21.0 ……...9.35%
    Bohlon15………….. ……….210.0 …..….191.0 …..-19.0 ……...9.04%
    Losing_it…………… ……….178.0 …..….162.0 …..-16.0 ……...8.98%
    Jackie_W…………… ……….240.0 ……….219.0 …..-21.0 ……...8.75%
    Chipper15173…… ……….230.4 ……...211.2 …..-19.2 ……...8.33%
    Anna_Banana……. ……….170.6 ……...162.0 ….….-8.6 ……...5.04%
    Nich0le……………… ……….224.4 ……...217.0 …....-7.4 ……...3.29%
    Guntherma……….. ……….163.0 ……..158.0 ….….-5.0 ……..-3.06%
    Texasangelbeth… ……….168.0 …..….160.0 .…...-5.0 …..….2.97%
    Stenogal……………. ……….146.2 ……….142.8 …….-3.4 ………2.32%
    ************** ******************* *************** ************ **************
    TEAM TOTALS…. ……..1955.1 …….1829.5 …-125.6 ……..-6.42%

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: HERES TO THE BLACK TEAM:heart:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    for anyone that would like to continue with challenges please message me. I was thinking we should do a year end and then start new each month so new members can join on the first of each month to keep results easier.

    I am willing to continue keeping track, but same as this time I don't think I will have time to remind everyone to weigh.

    Anyway...GREAT JOB!
  • spenikas
    spenikas Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I would definitely be interested in joining...let me know of any details!

    Congrats to you all!!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm interested too.

    Good Job everyone.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I am interested.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I am interested.

    Hi interested. I'm Anna:bigsmile:
  • Vanessa414
    I'm interested too! :smile:
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I am interested.

    Hi interested. I'm Anna:bigsmile:

    Hehe. :tongue:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'n interested!
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    If we are going to go month to month I would love to be in... I deploy in March so I dont want to add my name to any challenge that is going to last past that it would just cause too much work for someone
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    for anyone that would like to continue with challenges please message me. I was thinking we should do a year end and then start new each month so new members can join on the first of each month to keep results easier.

    I am willing to continue keeping track, but same as this time I don't think I will have time to remind everyone to weigh.

    Anyway...GREAT JOB!

    I'd like to join up!!!!! But I'm competitive so all y'all better watch out. ;) JUST KIDDING!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    But yeah... January 1st (or 2nd depending on the partying ;) I'd love to join the team... if it continues and if someone posts some details. :ohwell: