I need help!

Ok so I'm going to the gym 6 days a week and burning 900 calories every session....I've been trying to eat over 1200 calories but for some reason I have trouble getting over 1100 most days >.< I'm not losing any weight! When I put in my food and exercise log MFP tells me I will have lost so much in 5 weeks time...but in one week I haven't lost a single lb!! I don't know what to do! Do I up my calorie in take? The thought of it scares me to death! But I just feel so helpless....


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    If your burning 900 calories a day and only eating 1100 a day, your not eating enough. Your body is hanging onto everything you do eat. I'd ether 1. cut back on the amt you burn, or 2. up your food calories. Good luck!
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    you may need to up the calorie intake. since you are burning so much in the gym ... especially.

    what does your diet consist of..

    i know when i went over 1500-1700 i began losing again. when i was eating under that i was not.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I was going to say the same thing about eating more. If you are eating 1000 calories and burning 900, that only leaves 100 for your body to function and carry out its basic functions.
  • charlottebronte
    Are you drinking 8 glasses of water each day?
  • twiggyrr
    twiggyrr Posts: 22
    I always here people saying you need to eat calories to burn calories but I'm just so afraid of eating more and than gaining weight...and if I don't push my self to burn at least 900 I just feel like a failure.

    Maybe I'll try to up my calories today...maybe it will help. I really, really hope it will help.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I would definitely up your calories. It sounds like your body is going into starvation mode. You are burning too many calories and not eating enough. I know it sounds backwards, but it does work. You could also try zig zagging your calories if that is easier for you. You need to make sure your body had enough fuel to exercise at that amount. Best of luck to you.
  • twiggyrr
    twiggyrr Posts: 22
    No...I'm not....I know I should. I will start today and make sure I do though! I always forget how important water is
  • Boomz
    Boomz Posts: 7 Member
    You could be growing muscle with those huge gym sessions. No biggie, if you are relatively new to the gym side of things, then your body is just preparing itself for the onslaught it expects you to put it through. You will tear through your bodyfat after a while, so I suggest that you give yourself a bit more time to see results.
    Have you taken hip and waist measurements? When the scales aren't moving, but you feel you're doing all the right things, more often than not, you will find you are losing size in the places that matter.
    Calories are a big factor in weight control, but don't make them the be all and end all. Maintain a balanced diet with the right ratio vitamins and minerals and things should pan out excellently for you.
    Good luck!
  • jasmin1310
    jasmin1310 Posts: 80 Member
    is the 1100 net amount or just the calorie amount you are eating?

    if its the net - maybe excercise 5 days at the gym and see if that helps - your body also needs rest

    if its not the net calorie amount you need to eat more :-)
  • mishkamichelle
    Your body thinks you are starving it - and is trying to keep hold of everything it can. You should increase your calorie intake. If myfitnesspal says in a normal day you need to eat 1100 calories, then you burn 900 at the gym, you can easily eat another 400 calorie meal in there somewhere and still be much under your daily allowence.

    If you work out - you need to eat more so your body has the fuel and has the energy to replenish your muscles and recover from working out.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    4 things to think about. For the amount you are burning, you aren't eating enough. I know that sounds weird - eat more to lose more. Believe it or not, you need to eat more, and if you're having trouble eating more, then make sure the things you eat are higher in calories (and nutrients - things like nuts, avocado, etc) to help increase your calorie intake. Secondly, are you REALLY logging every single thing that goes into your body? If so, are you logging accurately. No guesstimating, but actual exact numbers based on weights of food and exact quantities? Third, how is your water intake? Make sure you are taking in a lot of water (8-12 8 ounce glasses a day). Finally, how is your salt intake? If salt is too high, that will inhibit weight loss.
  • twiggyrr
    twiggyrr Posts: 22
    4 things to think about. For the amount you are burning, you aren't eating enough. I know that sounds weird - eat more to lose more. Believe it or not, you need to eat more, and if you're having trouble eating more, then make sure the things you eat are higher in calories (and nutrients - things like nuts, avocado, etc) to help increase your calorie intake. Secondly, are you REALLY logging every single thing that goes into your body? If so, are you logging accurately. No guesstimating, but actual exact numbers based on weights of food and exact quantities? Third, how is your water intake? Make sure you are taking in a lot of water (8-12 8 ounce glasses a day). Finally, how is your salt intake? If salt is too high, that will inhibit weight loss.

    Yes I log in my food accurately and no i always stay under my sodium content. I think my biggest problem is the eating to little and not drinking enough water.
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    This is sooooo very true:
    If your burning 900 calories a day and only eating 1100 a day, your not eating enough. Your body is hanging onto everything you do eat. I'd ether 1. cut back on the amt you burn, or 2. up your food calories. Good luck!

    plus your body hits plateaus where you kind of stall out…

    You defiantly need to eat more – if you body thinks your starving it won’t let anything go. You may also need to change up your food or work out. If you always walk try swimming, or take an aerobics class.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Could be one of two things:

    1. Are you forgetting to log everything? And where are you getting your calculations of 900 cals burnt from? If you forget a few snacks, and use MFP estimates of cals burnt, you may actually be consuming more and burning less than you're aware of.

    2. If you are genuinely eating that little, and burning that much, you need more fuel. I would be surprised if you can manage a 900cals gym session without eating a fair amount - I tend to only burn around 400 cals at the gym and definitely need to eat more on workout days! If you are burning almost as much as you're eating, your body will hate you and try to hang on to extra fat stores to fuel these kind of workouts in future!
  • jesser80
    jesser80 Posts: 4
    Several things come to mind:

    1. you could be eating too little, causing your body to go into starvation mode (no weight loss here)
    2. you are not accurately tracking calories burnt (how do you do this? the calorie counts on the cardio machines are usually inflated by quite a bit)
    3. you are not accurately tracking what you eat (grazing, snacks, not accurately measuring portions)
    4. you aren't getting enough sleep!

    Good luck.
  • twiggyrr
    twiggyrr Posts: 22
    I read the labels - that's where I get my calories from.

    The elliptical trainer tells me how many calories I'm burning.

    I'm not just pulling number out of my *kitten*.

    I go on level 16 on the elliptical.