Diet pills...

NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone tried them? Anyone like them? Success? Hate 'em?

I ask this because....

About 4 years ago when I was in college, I had a boyfriend who LOVED really skinny A&F type girls. Well, it was the end of my sophomore year of college, and I have always been athletic and NOT teeny tiny. So, because of him, I really wanted to be. I love to eat, and can't fathom making myself throw up, so those types of eating disorders were out. But I decided to try diet pills. I got hooked on Hydroxycut and then began to take Hydroxycut about 4-6 pills a day, about 6 green tea pills a day, and 6 hoodia pills a day. I was in college so my schedule was crazy. I never ate breakfast, barely ate a soup, sandwich, cereal, or smoothie for lunch, sometimes carrot sticks if I really didn't have any time, and ate whatever my mom made for dinner that night (from grilled chicken to pizza). After dinner or after class, my best friend and I would go to the gym on campus and work out for a couple of hours. I was in awesome shape, but clearly I wasn't healthy. I was able to drop 30 lbs in about a year, and kept it off until I graduated from college in 2008.

Then I started a mostly sedentary job as a probation officer. I noticed that I started to gain weight. I hadn't taken the pills for about two years, wasn't as active, and basically just ate more and more. I tried them again, but this time eating better and working out, and didn't lose a single lb. I haven't taken them since.

Sometimes I get tempted to take them again because I'd love to be able to lose that kind of weight again, but I now know how horrible they are for you! About a year ago I did try QuickTrim (those damn Kardashians could sell me just about anything). After the first day I threw them out. I had trouble breathing, my heart was racing, and my chest was killing me, and all I was doing was sitting at my desk!

Anyway, there was a point to this...oh yea! Does anyone still take diet pills?


  • I've never tried them but my sister in law has a friend who has used them on and off for years. She said she notices how unhealthy her friend is and how unbearable it is to be anywhere near her when she's taking the diet pills because her moods get crazy. Doesn't sound good to me.
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    I've tried them in my younger years. They are horrible for you, and they are not the right way to lose weight. Healthy eating and exercise is the right way. I encourage you to stay away from the diet pills, continue to eat healthy and exercise. The weight will come off. Good luck :)
  • Shutterpillar
    Shutterpillar Posts: 208
    I have an aunt who uses them. She always looks very tired and unhealthy.

    Perhaps you could look into finding a nutritionist or personal trainer who could help you find the right exercise and diet for your body?
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Never have, never will.

    Eat healthily, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, and take your time on your weight loss journey. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet......a marathon, not a sprint.

    Good luck!
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I've used Alli, and it was helpful, but I stopped because it's expensive.

    If you've had issues with abusing diet pills in the past, I would stay away from them. If you do this on your own then you'll be much less likely to gain it back.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    No. Your own experience seems to have mimicked my own. I used to take them and never eat. Lost a lot of weight. Once I was off of them and moved on with my life I gained a ton of weight.

    If you know, like I do about myself, that you cannot mentally handle taking weight loss pills and you have the rushing heart, etc when you take them it is best to stay away in my opinion.

    Don't despair and don't think you need a quick fix. I now weigh less than I did on the pills and feel better about myself - you can do it without them.
  • mcurfiss
    mcurfiss Posts: 1
    Unfortunately, diet pills don't work. If you notice, every single one advertised clearly states that you will lose weight only if added to a regular workout and diet schedule. So basically, it's taking credit for you working out and eating right. Anything that seems too good to be probably is. I've learned, the VERY hard way, that the only way to lose weight is to eat less/better and get active. Sucks, I know. :wink:
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    I have never try any diet pills, I have admit that I have been tempted to try but I am always afraid to try anything I don't know nothing about, Or If it wasn't prescribed by a Dr I am afraid that instead of loosing weight with them I am going to end up sick from them. I Friend of mine has been on the pill call Alli and she also drinks alot of other vitamins pills and she has lost alot of weight and I have to say she looks good and healthy but I have hear so many bad things about that pills that I am really afraid to try it even if it has work for other people.
    I think ur best choice is to stay healthy eat the right foods stay under ur calories and do exercises regulary and that way you will be loosing weight the right way and not hurting your self with does pills

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  • I have been using hydroxycut for about 2 months now and i love it , I also use ac/g3 pre work out powder drink for when i work out and again i love it . but not every two people are alike . I would say if you find something that helps thats great but if not there is nothing stronger than determination!
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I take green tea pills, but mostly for the caffeine to counteract my morning medication (it makes me drowsy) and because I can't be bothered to drink a cup of tea in the morning.

    The question you need to ask yourself is what's more important to you: being skinny or being healthy? I used to fall into the "being skinny is the only thing that matters" category after basically being told by doctors that thin == healthy compared to how much I weigh, no matter how you get there. I dropped to eating less than 500 calories a day, got down to 235 and was miserable. I was cranky all the time, tired all the time, and living off diet cola. Not a pretty sight.

    I've started doing things the right way since then. It's been a process of about 6 months to get me to even where I am now (6 lbs in 6 months???) but it's been a learning process. I'm finally finding my groove. It's been more important to me to be healthy than thin. I'm eating really well, feeling way healthier and have a better mindset. I know I'm going to live a longer, happier life because of the changes I've made. And now I'm finally going back down! I'm only 8 lbs from my lowest weight.

    We can't tell you how to lose weight. You have to decide that for yourself. Just look deeply at your priorities and see if they're where you want them, then adjust if you need to. It's not a race: there will be other bikini seasons!
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    I have used a ton of them and I will honestly tell you they are horrible for you. Yes, they can assist to a "quick loss", but in the end you will gain all that weight back. I have even been on Phentermine with the supervision of my doctor. I couldn't sleep without taking a sleeping pill to help. Then I would be groggy in the morning. I have to go in every 4 weeks to get blood work done and check my blood pressure every day as diet pills can make your heart race.

    Eating healthy and exercising will give you the best results. Its not the fastest way to lose weight, but its the best way to maintain and keep it off. Just have to be patient. Good luck!!
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh yeah I forgot about Alli. I've never taken it, but I think all it does is make you afraid to poop your pants, so you don't eat so much lol.

    After the QuickTrim incident, I am DONE with diet pills! I have been tempted to try AbCuts (again, damn those celeb endorsements!), but it seems like an expensive path to an unnecessary heart attack.

    Now that I think of it, I remember the vivid horrible mood swings, and I could never EVER sleep. I am now barely able to fall asleep like a normal human, and I've been off those things for a while. I am considering taking Green Tea again though so I can wake up and not have to rely so much on coffee and Redbull.
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