I've only just joined My Fitness Pal (today marks day 13 of logging all my food) but there are definitely some things that i've started to notice.

- I'll pour myself a glass a 4-5oz glass of wine in the evening instead of just keeping the bottle beside me at the table. . . It was pretty easy for me to have 2-3 big glasses at dinner or watching a movie in the couch. . . I've also started passing on my "shift drink" at the restaurant where I work. We are given a free drink at the end of every shift (I would usually get a glass of wine). Just because a drink is free doesn't mean you need to drink it. One shift drink would also often lead to getting a second. I am in no way concerned about my alcohol consumption but I am concerned about how many empty calories i was consuming through wine!

- I've also started looking at my closet and fantasizing about which clothes i CANNOT wait to fit into. Especially this one pair of bright red corduroy skinnies. . . They are so loud that I don't want to wear them until they look amazing on me. . . Right now they are TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT (and not in a flattering way). About 5 years ago I dropped a bunch of weight during a crazy stressful time in my life. I was going through a bunch of changes: graduating college, first really serious boyfriend, starting a new job. . . and I just lost my appetite, simple as that. I lost about 15 pounds (at the time i was smaller than i am now so 15 pounds was pretty significant) and all of the old clothes in my closet started to fit me again. Because it wasn't a conscious weight loss I gained it all back within 8 months (i wasn't exercising). . . but knowing that i my body is able to be slim is motivation in itself. I'd rather get slim and fit by eating right and exercising my but off than by losing my appetite due to stress!!

- I've also realized that i usually eat super healthy and fiber/protein rich lunches (pretty low in calories) and then i'll have a calorie surplus when it comes to dinner and eat more than i should. I need to find some good snacks to eat around 4 or 5 o'clock that will take away my hunger a bit at dinner.

- It's easier and easier to say "no thanks" to yummy baked goods and other treats than it was when i wasn't actively trying to get in shape. I actually bought a thing of Julies Organic Fudge bars after work last night (they are amazing and only 100 calories each!) but ended up deciding not to have one once i got home!! I also only ate a tiny piece of these amazing chocolate chip cookies a coworker of mine brought to work yesterday as well (and she's an AMAZING baker!). Usually i would eat three or four because they were just too good.

Have you guys noticed any day to day changes? Which pair of pants are you dying to rock this summer?


  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Cant wait to see a picture of you in those pants!!

    Wine is my nemesis, too, white wine, which makes it worse. However, I find that i push my exercise more so I can have some left over wine calories. ;)
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    I love this post Molly and you are doing fabulous.

    The things I've noticed is that the muscles in my neck are starting to form, this is after 3 weeks of using my exercise cables in the morning and before my evening workout.

    I'm no longer craving Lemon Creme cookies (5 months ago I used to shelve these in my mouth on a monthly basis) and I no longer crave or look for really salty chips. Instead i have been eating fat free popcorn occassionally during the week. At night if I am hungry I eat raw carrots and dip in low fat dressing.

    My pants are looser and a lot of my size 24 dresses no longer fit. In fact, I have a size 22 dress i cannot wear because i'm too big for it. I bought a cute top 2 weeks ago and it's my goal to get into that by my birthday (end of August).

    I am drinking more water....

    and I no longer use food for comfort if I am upset. I put on my leslie sanson dvd, call a friend or listen to music.

    My body isn't sluggish in the morning, I'm walking straight up the stairs to get to the train (in NY so I have to walk up 2 flights of stairs coming and going whenever i go to the train or go work).

    There's a lot of things I've noticed and I'm proud to say this is only the beginning.

    Good luck with your fitness journey.

  • bostonbound85
    bostonbound85 Posts: 38 Member
    I've been logging in for about 15 days now, and I am in the same boat as you. I lost almost 20lbs a few years ago after dating my first serious bf and graduating college (sound familiar?!) Now that I have logged in my food, I am so much more conscious of what my food in take is, and I have learned the healthy way to diet, I can actually eat more and lose weight! I love it! I have a little black dress I bought when I was 20lbs lighter, and would LOVE to get back into it! Congrats on your progress! Hope you get into the skinny jeans :)
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I've been on MFP for about 5 or 6 months now. Active for 5..but I've noticed that I get full faster, guestimating cals or portions is not as hard anymore, picking and cooking healthy foods is second hand now. I don't think about food in the same way anymore. I also noticed even though I'm taking in way less cals than before I eat wayyyyyy more! I use to only eat maybe 2 meals a day but now I eat 3 well rounded meals and snacks. I also noticed I don't look pregnant in my empire blouses anymore! (CHEEZ)
  • mollymarshmallow
    mollymarshmallow Posts: 12 Member
    I Love these responses!! I'm looking forward to being able being able to "guestimate" portions (right now my measuring cups are constantly in my drying rack!)

    I've also been doing the 30 Day Shred DVD every morning (I just finished day 6 today) . . . I think i might try and switch to doing the Shred in the evenings and trying to get in a more substantial/fun workout in the mornings when my energy level is up. I joined the local YMCA last month and i know there are a TON of classes that would most likely KICK my BUTT. . . Maybe i'll try one of those tomorrow morning. It's also getting warmer around here so I need to give my beloved road bike a glorious tune-up. I know i have a pair of bike shorts (you know the ones. . . tight, padded crotch! ) and bike shirt in my closet.

    I'm already feeling a lot betting in the morning, wanting to get out of bed and get my day started, as opposed to dreading getting out of bed. . . that might have something to do with the Spring sunshine also though! : )

    I've started making sure i always have a little energy bar on hand so i'm never really really hungry (cause that's when i end up over eating!) My favorite right now is Oskri Fiber Bar (it's vegan, gluten free and lactose free). It's got cashews and cranberries in it and only packs 3g of sugar!! Only 140 calories as well. and 48% of your fiber!!! mmmm, now i'm craving one. haha. I might actually look into buying a case of them online cause they aren't the cheapest bar on the block!!