Hey there!

Wow I have had this app on and off for a year now and just now realized there was a community lol.

Well my name is Heather, I'm 26 from Louisiana, and tomorrow I am starting my first fitness boot camp. I'm trying to do it right by eating better and really staying focused so any yummy foods or helpful tips would be great!


  • jesseh376
    jesseh376 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey heather, I just recently started also. If I were to give advice, I would have to say it always helps having your meals planned out ahead of time, that way you can control what you eat better. Also, drinking 8 cups of water like it recommends really does help, it keeps you feeling full so you don't give into those temptations. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Anyways, feel free to add me so we can be of motivation to each other and good luck with your goal! You can do it! :)
  • heatherlee2011
    heatherlee2011 Posts: 5 Member
    I actually just did my first bit of meal planning and I'm hopeful that it turned out ok lol. I also recently started cutting out anything that isn't water and only have a cup of coffee in the mornings. Thanks for your tips! I'll be sure and add you :)
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Heather. Feel free to add me if you want. Im friends with Jesse already. BTW brewed coffee is dirt cheap on calories if you dont put alot of stuff in it. I enjoy my coffee lol
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    G2 is also good and unsweetened brewed tea. Think hot tea is also really good calorically. Just to give a few options other than water. and I drink tons of water too lol
  • heatherlee2011
    heatherlee2011 Posts: 5 Member
    Being from the south Im all about tea lol. I love a good hot tea especially at night. I'll have to check out the G2. Thanks for the tip :). I'll definitely be adding you too!
  • mikhsh
    mikhsh Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Heather! I'm new here, and looking for motivational people too! Feel free to add me and we can help each other :)
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah as long as you dont load the coffee or tea up with cream or milk or sugar...Think Lemon is ok. I always have had my coffee and tea black no sugar. Old military habit. I was telling another poster earlier that we couldnt always get that stuff.