Blow off the day?

So, here is my problem... I am doing well with eating and exercise and all of a sudden I have a something that either I really want or I have no idea it is so high in calories. After this I seem to just go downhill all day and eat junk for the rest of the day, because the day is already shot and I will "get back onto the wagon" tomorrow. I know we all eat things that are not super healthy at time, but how do I stop the downhill slide that follows? Any sugegstions?


  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    That is one of the hardest things for me too. Once I "know" I will be over on calories, I just say screw it. I know this is wrong, and am trying to combat it.

    If I think I am going to go over, my plan is to know do an extra workout, and just get as close as I can for the day. That is better than going crazy all day! It is easier said than done though, I know.

    I am also giving myself one "guilt free" meal a week. H and I love going out to dinner and having drinks, so once a week we are going to do that and I am not going to analyze my calories. That way I don't feel like I have failed when I go out to eat, which helps me mentally stay on track.
  • jackiekjames
    I have encountered this problem twice this week...would love to hear some suggestions on how to tackle this problem...thanks for posting...
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    It's something I've struggled with.

    My new thought process goes like this:

    Well, you shouldn't have had that ice cream, but you did. But now that you're 500 calories over, does it really matter if you chase it with MORE ice cream? Your day is already ruined. But wait... if I go over by another 1000 calories, it still counts! I'm going to be suffering for the next week trying to make up for lost time. And if I do go over by another 1000 calories, I'll be more likely to go on a crazy binge and eat everything in the house!

    It's all about interrupting that thought pattern of "I'm over". It's not a black and white thing, where once you're over, you're over and that's it. There are varying degrees of over. Recognizing that if you stop the slide now, you've never actually fallen off the wagon and don't need to get back on tomorrow really helps.

    So go ahead and eat the occasional junky thing. Just exercise that night so it all evens out. You're not off the wagon. You're just having a really interesting, bumpy ride.
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    Why wait until the 'next day' to get back on the bandwagon? Why not just accept that you ate something maybe you shouldn't have, or was willing to eat because you wanted to so bad, and get back on the 'bandwagon' the next meal? Making one wrong decision in a day shouldn't give you an excuse to continue making bad ones the rest of the day!

    Personally, for me, it's not so much a day to day, as a week to week calories in vs out. As long as I've burned more calories at the end of the week than I ate, it'll all work out! :)
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I always put it into real world numbers. So, I eat all my calories by lunch. If I eat well the rest of the day - I add 300-400 calories to that. Guess what? I'm still in weight loss mode. But, if I give up and have 3 slices of pizza because the day is shot anyways, well, I'm not in weight loss mode anymore.

    If I go over on calories and I'm at maintenance or a little over - ok - so what will happen if I eat whatever I want the rest of the day.....well, pretty soon I've gained .5 pounds instead of .1 pounds. It's just not worth it. You can always get back on track and don't have to wait for a new day to do it.

    I've heard others put it in terms of additional exercise needed the rest of the week to burn off the day. 300 calories, that is doable--- 2,000 calories, not so much......
  • lisarota
    lisarota Posts: 12
    I do the same thing! In fact, just the other day was the first time that I finally beat the cycle. What happened was I had a bunch of chips at lunch and after that I immediately felt guilty and started with the whole thing, "Well, today is already ruined, so I might as well just start again tomorrow." I actually was planning out the remainder of my demise. Instead of my workout, I was going to go home, plant myself on the couch and eat ice cream. Then suddenly it struck me. Why would I do that?! Why ruin the rest of a perfect healthy day because I had a few chips (OK, more than a few ;) )? So instead I went on like nothing happened. I went home, did my workout, added back in all my workout calories, and didn't even try to add the chips in (who knows how many I actually ate - probably a million), and ate normally the rest of the night. I basically acted like my chip fiasco never happened. The best part, I LOST 0.8 lbs the next day. I'll never go back to the downward spiral again (At least I hope not).
  • mammado11
    mammado11 Posts: 26
    Before I decide what Im going to eat, I look up the calories on here! If Im going to eat it, I leave it if it's to high in calories I delete it and eat something else. I also type in my dinner when I know what Im going to be cooking, and for example put in "4oz of chicken, 1 cup salad, 2TBSP dressing, and 1/2 cup mashed potatoes" then I know how much calories etc I have for the rest of the day!!! It works for me!
  • Hezz1
    Hezz1 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with the Windi38: accept you had a little too much, then move on and make healthier choices the rest of that day. Don't beat yourself up about "slipping up"; put a positive spin on your thought processes and look at it as a little treat for the day.
  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    I enter everything that i consume into the diary, i dont always eat healthy things, when i see the red numbers on 'left' column with the negative sign infront its like a slap in the face. This usually makes me stop and think about what i do next. It takes a lot of convincing your self.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    View things from a week perspective. If you go over a little one day you can make it up the next day. If you think of it this way, you won't go of the deep end, because you will be really limited the next day or several days.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Maybe you should consider zigzagging-- I am doing this and am still seeing weight loss, but don't feel so restricted. I think a huge part of it is perception- if I know I can have a "treat" and it is not going to compromise my hard work, I don't feel bad about it or as if I've ruined the day (or week, or entire experience) altogether.

    More on Calorie Cycling here:

    And a tool, here:
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    I agree with epj78: slipping up at one meal doesn't make the world end. Try and keep the rest of your day as reasonable as possible, go for an extra walk in the evening, and be more careful the next day or two to help make up for it. Just don't write off the entire day or week--YOU are in charge of your body.
  • kissyfurr3
    kissyfurr3 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the GREAT suggestions! I just have to change my mind-set and take each meal as it comes, not just chalk it up at a bad day. I am also glad to hear that others have the same issues as I do! Thanks for all the support!
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    Never think "oh, the day's shot anyway". Always think, well that wasn't the best, but I'm back on the wagon right now. Moment to moment. Mistakes happen, but they're in the past, they don't have to ruin your whole day. Honestly, the attitude that the day is a wash and I'll start new tomorrow is what kept me from losing for a really long time. It's the worst thing you can do to yourself, because it's way too easy to find an excuse and tell yourself you'll start fresh.

    Start now and keep going.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I find it helps me to have planned cheat days. That way, I didn't over-indulge out of a moment of weakness, and I feel no guilt. But it does take a bit of effort to get back on. It's hard, I know.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Anything I eat that is way outside the plan or puts me over I make up in extra cardio, period. I do it no matter how late in the day it is or how much I did earlier in the day. 500 calories is really put in perspective that way.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    If i eat too little during the day, i end up having major nighttime binges. I started eating a piece of cheese with my breakfast to get some fat and protein in my tummy, and so far it is helping me feel more controlled in the evenings. Its hard to tell if a craving is your body trying to tell you something, or your emotions trying to tell you something! sometimes we just go over though, parties, date night... and thats ok as long as its only sometimes! :D