
I have recently started a healthy diet and goin to the gym, I have lost weight recently but want to step it up a little
I have been sticking to 700-900 calories a day and was wondering if I should lower this?
I have been goin to the gym abt 3-4 times a wk using the treadmill and stepper and I'm not to confident with anything else in the gym
Any help is grateful
Thanks xx


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Are you asking if you should lower your calories to below 900 calories/day? No. No. Not at all. Maybe if you were very petite and under a doctor's supervision, maybe it would be okay to eat that much. As it is, you're already eating below the minimum recommended for women. Please consider increasing your calories.

    Useful links to those starting out:
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    You should not lower your calories, you should actually increase calories. You should be eating at least 1200 calories a day. This is a safe and effective way to lose weight that you can actually maintain and won't just gain back. Weight training is also a great way to aid in weight loss. The treadmill and stepper are great ways just to burn more calories but weight training will help you maintain some of your muscle and thus look tighter and allow you to eat more while still losing.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    im always curious. what did u plan to do when u reached ur goal? ur cant survive long term on 700 cals a day. never mind less. ur body will be seriously lacking in minerals. ur a definitly losing muscle on such a low intake. u didnt gain the weight in a month its not realistic to lose it in a month. please be kind to ur body and realize 1-2lb loss per week is ideal! all the best.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'd recommend using the MFP goal finder. Plug in your current statistics and tell it how much weight you want to lose each week and it will tell you how many calories you get to eat every day. I'm betting 1500+.

    2 pounds a week is the maximum you can expect and you have to be 50+ pounds overweight to expect that.

    How much do you weigh currently? Open your diary.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'd recommend using the MFP goal finder. Plug in your current statistics and tell it how much weight you want to lose each week and it will tell you how many calories you get to eat every day. I'm betting 1500+.

    2 pounds a week is the maximum you can expect and you have to be 50+ pounds overweight to expect that.

    How much do you weigh currently? Open your diary.

    I just want to mention, since this may be where the OP is running into trouble, that there's a glitch with one version of the app right now that's spitting out very low calorie numbers for some people. If the OP is running into this problem (and I really have no idea where she got the 700-900 calorie goal), she may need to try an alternate route to set her goal.

  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
  • berz82
    berz82 Posts: 100 Member
    dont spend more than 30 mins on cardio, lift weights eat more.
  • kellyanneadair
    kellyanneadair Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you,
  • paulag105
    paulag105 Posts: 2 Member
    Up your calories to at least 1200, if you eat too few calories your metabolism will be reduced and your body will want to store everything. Add weight training to your work out. If you not confident with the exercises take a some classes offered at the gym you attend to try or schedule a private trainer for a few sessions learn how to use the equipment. The private trainer can be a bit expensive, but they can help you establish a plan that will get you the results you want better than doing it alone.
  • RoxRocksMySocks
    RoxRocksMySocks Posts: 15 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    dont spend more than 30 mins on cardio, lift weights eat more.

    Agreed!! Lifting weights is the thing to do because it will allow you to burn more fat even at rest (ie when not actively exercising). And if you start to lift you will be very hungry on only 900 calories per day so you'll have to eat more. Healthy choices of course! Good luck!
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    I'd recommend using the MFP goal finder. Plug in your current statistics and tell it how much weight you want to lose each week and it will tell you how many calories you get to eat every day. I'm betting 1500+.

    2 pounds a week is the maximum you can expect and you have to be 50+ pounds overweight to expect that.

    How much do you weigh currently? Open your diary.
    ^^^ This if you're starting and clueless. Use the system developed by MFP.

    Also, thoughtfully fill out the profile info so people can help you better. Look for like-minded people here who can encourage and support. If they have been here and have success, they can also help you with info to help you reach your goals.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    dont spend more than 30 mins on cardio, lift weights eat more.

    Don't spend more than 30 minutes on cardio? wut?