
SO, I was down to 168 Friday and back up to 172 Monday!! Which totally discouraged me, is this normal, to fluctuate that much?? I wasn't really counting calories over the weekend but i'm sure I didn't go over my BMR. :(


  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    That's only 4 lbs!

    The human body is like 65% water so yea weight WILL flux.

    Some have a lower flux range of 1-2 but I have seen others report that their normal flux range as high as 7lbs.

    Depends on your body really & only you can figure out if your weight is steadily climbing (as in actual weight gain) or just within its normal flux range.

    Also, if you had a lot of high sodium items or heavy processed carbs over the weekend that may also impact the uptick on the scale.

    And frankly,if you are still losing and not in maintenance I strongly recommend to go ahead & just log everything. So when situations like this arise you can go back and analyze what you may have consumed which could have been the culprit. Without that reference (food log) to refer back on you're just taking a wild guess & being upset over quite possibly nothing.

    Good luck!
  • strangemaryjane
    weight does fluctuate. whether it's normal for it to be that much, I can't say. but I would guess it might be. I've been directed by my coach to only weigh in once a week at most or only once per month. this helps to prevent me from becoming too obsessed with the number on the scale and more focused on how I feel, how my clothes are fitting, etc. I took "before" photos so I can see my progress. as well as measurements of my body, so I can see proof after a set period of time. I may remain the same weight even though I'm becoming smaller - because 1 pound of muscle takes up much less space on the body than 1 pound of fat. that is also a reason I don't like to weight in super-frequently; it can't always show your true progress. plus, numbers can discourage me, personally. I hope you're not too discouraged! keep at it and I'm sure you will see positive results.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    SO, I was down to 168 Friday and back up to 172 Monday!! Which totally discouraged me, is this normal, to fluctuate that much?? I wasn't really counting calories over the weekend but i'm sure I didn't go over my BMR. :(

    if your weight went up, it is very likely that you not only went over your BMR, you went over your TDEE as well.

    if you were drinking and eating out, most likely your body is holding on to a significant amount of water, which could account for a pound or two. you should count calories as much and as often as possible to maintain a steady weight loss.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    My maintenance weight can fluctuate 7-8 lbs in 2 days. I suggest during your weight loss phase you weigh yourself only once a week. That will smooth out the daily fluctuation and give you a better view of your actual progress.

    Check out the Trendweight graph in my profile. During my loss I weighed only once a week. A few months ago I started daily weighing and you can see the crazy fluctuations.
  • kaylacarol1989
    kaylacarol1989 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i would agree that 2-3lb is probably water and will be gone in a few days. but u could certainly have gained a 1lb or 2 is u werent tracking at all and eating out/having alcholic beverages. its ok to go over a bit on weekends but going all out can completely eliminate all the hard work u put in during the week.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I can swing 3-5 pounds a day