Cheat Meal suggestions

aalcon Posts: 13 Member
There are tons of articles on the net regarding this. For those who have cheat days. Is it weekly, bi weekly, monthly, and what do you eat? I have been dieting for two weeks straight and have not cheated but thinking about it just want to be smart. So any thoughts suggestions motivation anything thanks


  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    I order or go to chipotle and have my complete filled up burrito. If you go to their website you select the ingredients you put in it there is a nutrition calculator that tells you everything contained in that burrito, macros and micros. It is a nice way for me to choose a cheat meal and know exactly how much I cheated in order to make it somewhat fit into my macros.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    There are many different opinions on this topic. Personally, I don't plan a cheat meal or cheat day. Every now and then I eat something I feel I shouldn't, but I'm not a large eater to begin with.

    Perhaps you can look at it like adding in a small splurge or treat? Are you craving something in particular? If so, either find a healthier version or eat a smaller portion and try to make it fit. Therefore, cheats aren't necessary but you still get to eat the things you really like.
  • aalcon
    aalcon Posts: 13 Member
    Great info, looking to stay on track just want to keep sane since I am a big foodie.
    Thanks a bunch
  • DeadLift107
    I have a cheat every once in a while maybe 2 times a month. Last cheat was Chinese food but I don't always log it if it's a buffet kinda thing cause I never know exactly how much I ate.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    cheat meals should be whatever u really crave, just try and keep some moderation. i generally go out to eat with friends or my husband once a week. but if it happens twice its ok! i just make sure to not over do it
  • Cheeseburger85
    Cheeseburger85 Posts: 63 Member
    I don't cheat. I just make what I want to eat fit in my daily caloric allowance while trying to hit my macro requirements.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited March 2015
    I never did the whole cheat day/meal thing when I first lost weight. I'm in a small cut now after a 4 month bulking cycle and at the urging of my coach I'm "re-feeding" on Saturdays basically eating to maintenance...I don't mind, I hate cutting and I'm not sure I'll ever do another bulk again.
  • aalcon
    aalcon Posts: 13 Member
    Rework your daily caloric intake for that day great idea. I have lost 8 pounds and seeing results counting calories this is such a great app. Cheat meal every other week that's what I am shooting for.