My name is Shelby, im 21, and i have an almost 2 year old son. I already lost a bulk of my weight from being pregnant (76 pounds) but im on the last stretch and just need a little motivation and fun to lose the rest. i want to be 145 and right now im 160.


  • sheritwin
    sheritwin Posts: 3
    I'm in the same boat Shelby. I'm certainly not 21, I'm 40 but I am struggling with about 15lbs. I'm with ya ! I am at 156lbs and I NEED to be at 140 ...
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Oh finally someone who's struggling with the last 15 !! Welcome girl.. I turned 22 recently and like you i have lost quite a lot already but these last 15 are killing me !! Best of luck
  • retamarie
    retamarie Posts: 2
    I too am in that weight range and am older (55) - i was at 160, gained 4 lbs, lost 4 lbs, and maintained at 160 for one month while working out everyday with the wii. Since logging into myfitnesspal.com. i have continuously lost weight every week (5 lbs now for 4 wks.) and i am still working out on the wii. I am hoping to be down to 140 at least by mid to late June. Keeping track of everything really seemed to help me get going