
fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I have been on MFP for just over 2 months, and while I did pretty good at first, slowly losing 10 pounds I have reached my first plateau and I'm frustrated. I recognize that my plateau is a result of my decrease in exercise and increase in junk food due to the reasons below. I just don't know how to fix these reasons.
I do not have much support in the area, as all my friends and family live out of town. My fiancee is finishing up finals at school then starting a new job so I rarely see him. When we do have a night together we love to cook, so I always go overboard with my calorie intake. I have no support or buddies to keep me motivated to exercise. I have tried wii-fit (I get bored really easy with that), I walk my dog (but that gets lonesome too), and I just let my gym membership run out because I wasn't making sufficient use of that.
I try to pack healthy meals to take to work with me, but most of the time I do not get to work during my 8 hour PM shift as a nurse. That means I grab whatever junk food is sitting on the counter and continue to work. I don't get home until after midnight and I try to eat a decent meal then, but that usually ends up being whatever prepackaged or leftovers I can find, because I'm too tired to make something healthy.
I'm also finding that I'm getting tired of my usual recipies for healthy food, and just want to revert back to my old habits.
I know everyone goes through a phase or two like this. Give me support and encouragement to help me continue!!!!!!!!


  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    I feel you on this one. I am fine with exercise and working out, but my ability to stay away from bad foods is so hard. Keep working on it and it will come. You might want to shock your metabolism. Do low calorie days for a few days then do a big calorie day. Many times that helps people jump the plateau..
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    It is frustrating for sure. You just have to do the right thing. You can suck it up and get back to the gym. Take a class or something. You'll find some people who are doing it just like you and you'll at least know you're not alone. I understand the bizzare hours and business of your job but you just have to grab something healthy. :) You are allowed to whine, *****, complain, every now and then as long as you suck it up and get back with it. I had to make a promise to myself and go in 3 week intervals. I can do anything for 3 weeks. :) Try 5 nights of healthy meals/ 4 x working out for 60 min or more. Then at the end of 3 weeks add another night and another day of exercise. You'll feel better b/c you finished what you started, you ate well and exercised and really it wasn't that hard. :) Hang in there!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    It's hard to eat healthy when you're busy. I always end up working 10 plus hour days and since I work as a Cook, I really dont want to cook anymore when I get home.
    But on my days off. I try to think ahead, I prep up a bunch of healthy meals. I chop Fruits and veggies so they are bite size or cook size so i can just toss them in a pan and do a 5 minute stir fry. I pre cook Chicken and Pork til its about half way and put it in the fridge so it only takes 5 minutes to finish cooking and it still tastes Most.
    I hate stalls. When I hit them, I Try to double my water intake. That seems to Help
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I've got the same problem! I can only get 30-40 minutes of workout in a day. The longer you go eating healthy the better off you will feel. I go through spurts of eating junk but i realize it satisfy why im eating it, mostly cause im mad/sad/ emotional distress. I end up feeling crappier than i did before i ate it. Plus guilty lol. Weight loss is not an easy road and we all hate it.

    Head up!
  • 18342
    18342 Posts: 1
    I know how it is with shift work and trying to make your life work as well. This transformation is for you - remember what you want - start your day thinking of that - then ask yourself - what am I doing to get what I want? and then - is it working? Make one change - don't try to do it all at once - it can be overwhelming...then daily build on the changes until you get back to making your workouts and your food support what you want. You can do it, you already have...think about what your ideal fitness level will feel like - stay with those feelings. G
  • gertrude13
    gertrude13 Posts: 64
    try to remember the reason you started this thing, the reasons you stated are, as bad to hear it seems, excuses for falling off the wagon. and i know that these excuses is what got most of us (including me) into bad shape. snap out of the excuses, there is always a way, the way may not be easy but it exists (i know people that wake up at 3 in the morning just to work out coz work is too early)

    as far as getting bored, i think you should find new things to try :) after finishing hip hop abs, i got really bored to do the whole thing again so i tried zumba and it is currently kicking my butt haha, and as far as being bored with healthy recipes, you can go through the food and nutrition forums haha there are a lot of yummy things there that you and your hubby can share, and on the having "no peers" part, i think that at some level you have MFP friends to support you :D

    i don't know for other people but i seriously think that we should opt for a lifestyle change, that means we should find a way to sneak healthy regimens in our tight schedules so that we can be free from the lard for life haha hope this helped, good luck! :)
  • aliakat
    aliakat Posts: 16
    Firstly, Congratulations on reaching your first goal!! That is a huge accomplishment!!
    Secondly, regarding food and work: I understand a hectic schedule. Still, if you can eat junk food while you work, you can nibble on vegi-chips (either fresh vegis cut in to chip size pieces, or the good potato chip alternative), a turkey sandwich, fruit slices, etc. Usually, I cook a good dinner the night before, enough to provide left overs, and bring those with me to work the next day. Or, I have a ready supply of yogurt, chicken noodle soup packets (Korrs makes a surprisingly healthy option, or they have a lot of varieties at a health food store), and instant grits or oatmeal (plain) -- those might not be the healthiest of choices, but they beat the alternative!
    Recipes: find a local health food store and see if they offer cooking classes -- or browse their deli section then play around and create your own variation of what you see. Weight Watchers offers a lot of tasty, relatively healthy options in their cook books -- and their easy to adapt to make them healthier (olive oil rather than canola, wheat flour rather than white, honey or pineapple juice rather than sugar, applesauce rather than oil when baking). Also, I have found a lot of really good recipes and ideas through google, the Food Network website,, and Vegan and Vegetarian cook books, even if you are neither, offer a lot of good suggestions -- and you can easily add chicken, or whatever preferred meat, when the book calls for tofu (these recipes can also be found online).
    Another way to cut calories -- look for diabetic foods. Most foods for diabetics allow you to have the sweets without all of the calories -- just be careful not to overload, artificial sweeteners are not that great for you either :)
    Exercise: I have noticed a huge difference since I switched to using an exercise ball at work and home rather than a chair. This may not be an option for you at work, but at home, when eating or watching tv, it can really help!
    Walking your dog sounds like great exercise -- have you tried other parks or routes? Do you have a local dog park that you can meet other dog owners to possible start walking with?
    Good luck!! Keep up the good work and keep a positive attitude!!! :)
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks all!! I just needed a good kick in the butt from you guys to help me get up and going again. Took my pup for a 40 minute walk and then some grocery shopping to find something healthy. Thinking about trying Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for a change in workout. Any suggestions/comments about this workout?
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