Would love to see some 1200cal diaries.



  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    TasiaTa wrote: »
    I think mine is open. Lol. I think this is a great idea. Most of the people I am friends with have a much larger calorie allotment. I'm 5 foot nothing so every calorie counts!

    lol this is how i feel! i'm 5 foot as well, so if i wanna lose i have to stick between 1100-1200 calorie range. buttttt the magical thing called exercise gives me wiggle room. :blush: though currently i'm between maintaining on 1300-1450cals or gaining on 1500-1680.
  • blanketofstars
    blanketofstars Posts: 11 Member
    anyone can add me! i have been really off track the past week, but my diary is open!
  • shortiequinn
    shortiequinn Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is 1200. I've been on vacation for a week so my log isn't accurate right now. You'll see you can still drink a good amount of beer and stay within your goal.
  • LowCarbHeart
    LowCarbHeart Posts: 69 Member
    My diary is public and I usually eat around 1200 per day, feel free to add me!
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    I've been at 1200 for 5 months now , feel free to add me, or look at my diary, its public
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    My pre-exercise goal is 1200. Most days I manage to stay at or under my goal, some days more under than others. Feel free to look at my diary--although it gets kind of ugly sometimes. :)
  • sajerd
    sajerd Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I've been sick that last couple of days so haven't really been too active (on MFP or otherwise). But I'm excited to look at some diaries and add some new friends who are in the 1200 zone. I find it quite hard to stick to it day in and day out. Sometimes I read the comments of people who talk so confidently about how they can just "fit everything they want in" and I wonder how the heck they do it. When I can peek at their diaries I find they are often eating at an 1800 goal. Ha! Things are a little different down here...
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Mine is open too. If you have a look exclude last weekend! I over indulged LOTS... oops! I also weigh everything, so you might see some odd numbers in there! And I have my own recipes for lots of meals. I find it makes logging more accurate than using generics all the time :)
  • MrsBowen952015
    MrsBowen952015 Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is 1200 calories as well. I sit at a desk all day and am currently just trying to change my eating lifestyle so I haven't added in exercise yet. Once I get my new way of eating to become "habit" I will start adding in the exercise but please add me if you have an open diary and stay around 1200! Always looking for new foods to add in! Good luck everyone!
  • Meggers003
    Meggers003 Posts: 25 Member
    Add me! my goal is set for 1330 but I eat under that goal and I have an open diary
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am at 1200 my diary is open to friends. So you can add me. I do have the luxury of being able to make my own meals most days but, if you see something you like I can give you the recipe. Everyday I try to sneak in either something chocolatey like an ice cream sandwich or salty like special k chips. Disregard Saturdays I allow myself to eat what I want on that day. Every other day I stay below my calories typically.
  • sfkn123
    sfkn123 Posts: 17 Member
    Mine is open.. I also snack a lot though..
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    I try to eat around 1330 a day - you can add me and see my diary if you would like! might not be as helpful, but you can get some ideas :)