Morbid obese male on a journey

Hi everyone. I'm Rohan. All my life I've been overweight and Im at an all time high of 190 kgs. The weight has finally taken its toll on my body. I have a problem with my right ankle and another complication with my left knee which combined makes mobility an issue. Also, high blood pressure and high uric arid in my blood. Walking even a little bit exhausts me and im talking from room to room. I've slowly turned into an introvert where even the thought of going out on weekends sickens me. I dont like going out to socialize with any buddies as I am extremely conscious of my weight and body.

The 5 docs that I've seen (for various complications) have all expressed their concern and told me that my only option at this point is to undergo one of the weight loss surgeries. Somehow, I just cant seem to wrap my head around the idea of a surgery doing something for me that I should be able to do on my own. The damage is done, my marriage is effected, my job is effected my body and mind are at an all time low.

Im wiping my slate clean and starting out fresh. Its hard work and I have a long journey ahead but I'm ready to go the distance. I have never contemplated the idea of counting calories, it just seemed to tiresome and pointless. But now I've actually doing it. Infact, I've even added a few foods to the diary.

I am going to need as much support / tips as I can, from anyone who has undergone a major weight loss journey. I'm ready to start living! Thank you in advance


  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    Keep your approach simple.

    Move a little more and eat a little less.

    Buy a food scale and some liquid measures and teach yourself how to weigh all solids and measure all liquids (other than water).

    Be kind to yourself but firm in your resolution.

    And most importantly, be patient. You have a very long process ahead of you, but others in a similar situation have gone before you and succeeded. Some very inspiring ones are here on MFP. Listen to them and learn from them.

    Good luck!
  • hey Rohan, I'm Lisa. I am also starting my journey to lose a great deal of weight. I am a food addict so I know it will be difficult but if you like I will help support you on your journey too? friend request me :D! we can do it!
  • ellebrosseau
    ellebrosseau Posts: 103 Member
    I'm going to send you a friend request :) You can do this! And I'm sure you'll have a ton of people right here to support you!
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    I know how it feel to wipe your slate Clean. Its hard to keep it clean, but ic you stick to MFP i think u will be successful. I love using MFP to guide my health. Good luck on your journey. Set many short term goals so you can acheive and enjoy the feeling of reaching goals. Take it one day at a time!!!!!
  • Bluefishstick
    Bluefishstick Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy and have recently just started using MFP consistently. I grew up morbidly obese and then finally lost the weight I needed. Unfortunately I have gained some back and need to refocus. I would love the support and will support you on your journey. One day at a time!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You're right to think you can put this right by yourself.

    That man has lost over 300lbs on his own, and now looks like an absolute beast.

    As BeachIron said, keep it simple. This will be about progression - gradually testing the waters as you go. Focus on fixing one thing at a time; start with eat a bit less, move a bit more

    Good luck to you.
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    6 months ago I was in a similar situation, I had a little less weight to lose but similarly debilitating problems that were developing. I was experiencing moderate to severe chest pains when going for a brisk walk, and sometimes even when just sitting. That's when I knew something had to change.

    I watched this video:

    It was a radical departure from where I was at with my diet, but after watching it, I was convinced and gave it a try. After all, it beats dying. As you can see from my signature, I have lost 100 pounds and I have been at it for less than 6 months. Not only have I lost a lot of weight, but I started to feel better almost immediately. I no longer need coffee to get me going in the morning and I have so much energy that I spend hours nearly every day cycling or playing baseball to burn it off. When I come in to work on Monday morning, I am ready to rock. My chest pains also completely disappeared months ago.

    Before making the change, I was starting to see weight loss surgery as something that I would need to bring my weight under control. I was wrong. A plant-based diet works for me, particularly because I have no self-control with food. I eat until I am full. If you are eating foods with low calorie density, you can realistically do that without gaining weight.

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck and success to you. I just thought I would share from my own not entirely dissimilar situation and the success that I have had in it.
  • will send u a friend request too
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Welcome to MFP Rohan! You are right logging everything is a pain in the butt, but so is not being able to walk from room to room or climb a flight of stairs without being winded, so is having a stroke. As the weight begins to come off you will see the benefits, rather quickly I might add. I agree with BeachIron....weigh and measure EVERYTHING. It really makes a difference. You will be amazed as you educate yourself how many empty calories you are eating. Read those nutrition labels on food!!! EAT CLEAN!!!
    One thing to get rid of is soda, even diet. I was a bit of a Diet Coke addict (about 5 a day). It made my body hurt. I never thought I could quit but it has been two years and I am never going back. I also quit eating potato chips. Do the research and see how bad that stuff REALLY is for you. Become a smart shopper and a healthy, aware cook. Eat tons of fresh fruits and veggies. I eat many of them raw and plain (no dips) like asparagus and tomatoes and cucumbers. Try roasting veggies in a touch of olive oil and your favorite herbs, mine is rosemary. Use the search engine in the bulletin board/community area. You will find a lot of information, including healthy recipes. Some people are very good about documenting their sources and have good advice. Ignore the haters, because, yes, you will find some here but most of us are decent people try to get or stay healthy.
    I am a 56 year old mother of 4 adults who was 267.5 pounds two years ago. I did backslide 32 pounds of the 70 I had lost due to sugar cravings and letting myself be mildly depressed because I am not in a job I want. But I do have a job as a Head Start teacher so I am resolved to getting this right. Two weeks ago I got my act back together and started working out again and logging regularly again and I haven't had any added sugar in two days. I have dropped 10 of those pounds already and plan to be under 195 by Christmas. Today I weighed 219.2. And Hey! guys lose faster than that's a win for you.
    Today I am joining my two daughters and some friends in a Biggest Loser Challenge. We are each putting in $20 and weighing in. We are having a potluck of some healthy foods and sharing recipes with nutritional data. We are only doing two more weigh ins in the next two months and then we may start over. Maybe you can figure out something like this with your friends and family. Lots of work places do healthy challenges maybe yours does too...think about talking to your boss.
    Time to start enjoying your life Rohan! You are young and will do's your's your life. :flowerforyou:
  • It's never too late to wipe the slate clean, I added you, good luck Rohan :)
  • Thank you everyone. I am overwhelmed that I have so many people willing to step out and help. What thrills me about having so much support is the accountability. Sure, I could cheat and not log in what crap I eat, but in the end, I'd be cheating myself. *Reality check*....Ive been doing that all my life. Now, with everyone's help and support, I know I will be able to kickstart my life for the better. Thanks again friends...cheers
  • somo50
    somo50 Posts: 10
    You sure got all lot of replies here. How's it going. I am struggling like mad to control my cravings . I am 137kg and 5'5" I feel very alone and am regaling losing control. Today I've kicked my own *kitten*. I need it lol. My mobility is v poor due to. Fibromyalgia . Lots of pain, and sweat buckets . Phew. I'd love to have some one in similar situation, for encouragement and share stories. Keep strong
  • skinniwithin
    skinniwithin Posts: 17 Member
    edited March 2015
    This video truely inspires me. I watch it often, always with a Kleenex in hand.

    I think we we will all make this journey together and the support here is fabulous.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Even if all you do is log at first (like I did) as long as you've factored your activity level into your calorie allowance, you'll still lose some. It will be a big adjustment for your stomach though. I thought I was going to lose my mind at first. It's like the battle between good and evil. The more I realized how well I was doing just by logging, the more motivated I was to step up the pace. Over a month in and I'm pretty well adjusted. It can be done, and we are going to prove our docs wrong. I was about to go upside his head when his first suggestion was lap band surgery. What kind of doctor does that?