I need HELP

I have lost a lot of weight here before, but I have gained a lot back 50 lbs or so. I gained a lot back from depression, Which is a result of my one and only daughter passing away from SIDS in May 2014. I have no clue now where to start because I don't have any motivation left at all. I am lucky to get to work and to few other things.
I was wondering if anyone had a similar situation and if they were successful,
Also, If any one has any work of advise or wisdom to help me get back on track.


  • jusbowers
    jusbowers Posts: 75 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I have had a miscarriage, an ectopic and lost one of a pair of twins in the womb, but as bad as they were they were nothing compared to what you have been through.

    I can only send hugs and say that you ARE allowed to be happy, so find an activity you enjoy and refuse to feel guilty about it.

    Feel free to add me even if you just need to vent

    Hugs again

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Sorry to hear about your loss. One of the things I think people need to do is to understand why they want to lose weight and what is motivating them to do so. Maube you cna turn round your sad loss into some sort of mindset in doing it for her in the life she wasnt able to have?

    Spend some time thinking about how you lost weight before, what worked, what didnt and how you are going to avoid hings deerailing you life depression. You need to have a strategy to deal with it, might be help from a Dr, charity, care worker, friends or some way to help you get it into perspective. It will be with you for a long time so you will have to know how that fits into your journey.

    One thing I wouldnt underestimate is the beneficial effect of exercise as a means of combatting some milder forms of depression.

    In addition spend some time thinking about how you are going to get from a to b and then your next strategy of making sure you dont make the return journey from b to a. I cna undestand it will seem hard, maybe even pointless, but it is in fact an opportunity for you to learn and create some structure for yourself upon which you cna hang achievements as well as make progress. get knowledge, make a plan, implement it in small steps and nuild on it from a day to a week to a month. Starting small and getting the basics right is where you should begin. Be kind to yourself and be patient. You will have to nurse yourself back from this big event and at the same time atempt to undertake a major task.

    If you are sensible and focused then you can do it. Make a plan that fits your needs. Get the basics right and you cnat go far wrong. Good luck.
  • FarmallMom71
    FarmallMom71 Posts: 49 Member
    You can add me as a friend too - I've lost a baby to ectopic and a baby to miscarriage. I also lost my Dad not long ago... My hero. So I'm the poster child for depression and self medicating with food. It hard to get past bad things we don't understand. No baby or parent should ever pass away. I dug a big giant hole of self pity for myself. I had a best friend literally yell at me one day and told me she wasn't going to lose me too and she stole my cookies and she said to move my butt. That's what it took to snap me back. Someone just needed to help me move forward...so I'm glad your here! There are great people on this site to chat with and help you motivate and heal. Exercise does help fight depression (endorphins) & I've cried through many a work out and it made me work that much harder. - I am so sorry you lost your sweet baby.
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    One of the lessons I learned long ago was to spread yourself very thin with the things you enjoy. Exercise, friends, hobbies, weight loss efforts, etc. That way if one of them gets rough, you still have all these other things to enjoy and fall back on, and you'll never get too down on yourself. So try and stay busy with the things you enjoy, and adding weight loss progress should be one of those positive aspects that can/will lead to more positive things.

    I can't imagine the pain of your loss, nor can I say that I've experienced anything similar. I just wanted to give you my bit of input to try and help. Good luck to you