Getting back to it

I looked in the mirror the other day and thought, OH NO! Just turned 44 and have always been moderately to very active. But with age and a change of jobs about 5 years ago I've found my self flabby. Previously work helped me burn an immense amount of calories in addition to almost daily gym visits kept me thin and happy. Well, things change: got married, had a baby (I'm a male) and the schedule gets tight and my exercise regimen has been intermittent at best. Got a lot of work to do, but also a lot to look forward to (beautiful baby!) so just saying I'm glad I found this site and I'm glad to be here with supportive folks


  • laceylovespink
    welcome!! This is the BEST site.....can't wait to hear about your journey!!
  • mchandler67
    mchandler67 Posts: 14
    Best of luck to you!
  • jazyjen
    jazyjen Posts: 20 Member
    It has been amazing for me! This site keeps me accountable! Feel free to add me as friend. I think it helps to have the strength in numbers for sure. I too turned 44 this year and I want to be in the best shape of my life. I have always been active, but these last few years I have gained about 15 pounds. I am know slowly taking it off. My fit pal has been a valuable tool. Use the daily food log and use it religiously. You will be amazed at what you discover. You can see patterns and change them!
    Good luck!