Hardest journey of my life

Im 35 and tip the scales at 406lbs. I never imagined I would be this big. I have joined a Gym and got a personal trainer. I find exercise very difficult. I have a long road but im determined to lose this weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Feedback from others would be a great support system for me. Good luck to everyone in their health journey :)


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What an excellent start you've made - I hope your PT is motivating and supportive, I credit mine for getting me, and keeping me, fit, strong and healthy

    The most important thing to realise is that it's the kitchen that matters - you need to weigh and log your food to a defecit. You don't need to meal time or follow any fad you've ever heard of .. just find your way as you eat to a defecit

    Good luck
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome to MFP. The best thing that you have done for yourself is making the decision to become healthy. Once you get into the habit of working out and eating healthier it will become easier. Good luck on your way to becoming a healthier you.
  • hanymamdouh
    hanymamdouh Posts: 123 Member
    First step is the beginning of success, congrats, you are on most important long walk that will dramatically change your entire life. I've had the walk since 15 months; reduced my weight from 295lb to 140lb, started to workout and gain muscles, and today I entered the hardest challenge in my life; to give up serious pain killer addiction that I used to use because of serious medical issues. I have got addicted to that *kitten* drug since 3 years, and really I'm so exhausted of using it. Today; I settled it with myself and it is my final decision: no more drug addiction.

    You can be whatever you want, reducing weight is easy, limiting your food craving is controllable. It is your mind that drives everything.

    You will lose your extra weight, you don't need any external motivation; ONLY your inner strength. Flush your mind, blow your internal hidden power, and do it!!

    Good luck to you
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    As long as you joined because the mindset is "I have to" rather than "I think I need to" you will succeed. the "I think I need to"-s are not convinced that they have to, and will easily give up (as I have noticed many times). To be honest, following the calorie-guide over here makes things very simple, as long as everything gets registered
    Good luck with your program, and try not to go too fast from day 1, steady does it
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome! As long as you're committed and follow MFP's plan, this is totally do-able. Count your calories, exercise as you can, and watch the weight come off.
  • Stargazer525
    Stargazer525 Posts: 70 Member
    The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step...

    Welcome to MFP, you can do this!! :)
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    Welcome aboard! The road is tough, full of obstacles, bumps and detours but just stay the course and you will get there!
    Good luck to you...and to all of us! There is great support here.
  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    Congratulations!!! This journey will be difficult, but so, so worth it. Just remember that you deserve it for YOU. A long, healthy, happy life!
  • DeeD946
    DeeD946 Posts: 7
    edited March 2015
    Thanks to all