Starting 30 day Shed tomorrow. :)



  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    First day down only 29 more to go :smile: Day two tonight after work. Stick with it everyone

    What size weights do you use? it is sad to say I use 5lbs and it was really hard
  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the 30 Day Shred? :tongue:

    30 Day Shred is a Jillian Michaels workout video It combines cardio and weights in an intence 20 min workout.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    First day down only 29 more to go :smile: Day two tonight after work. Stick with it everyone

    What size weights do you use? it is sad to say I use 5lbs and it was really hard

    Cathy, I'm using 3lbs!! Be proud of yourself!
  • gwapa
    gwapa Posts: 2
    On my second day and I am hurting!
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    I did my first day with very little pain, but a whole lot of sweat. I thought it was a bit strange that my gf who is a lot slimmer than me was crawling around all day and I was seemingly ok apart from a tiny bit of arm ache...... I did day two last night. This morning I can really feel it...It seems that I actually have abs in there somewhere! Bring on the results! How is everyone else getting on?
  • gwenyork
    gwenyork Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! It must be quite effective if all of you guys are doing it! I exercise in the mornings at 4:30am before school, so I need a quick, intense workout.
  • gwenyork
    gwenyork Posts: 8 Member
    I read somewhere that "thin" does not equal "healthy", so you may actually be stronger than your friend! She may not have fat, but she may also not have much muscle either!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    I am on Day 20 and its awesome. Cant believe ive got this far. I can only say its tough, but you get fitter and the results are fab! enjoy
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Almost didn't it do it today but I DID IT!!! I do feel better that I did. ;)
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    I'm on day 4... Whew I got up early this morning to see if it's better... I don't like it either way... Lol I feel good I'm 269 and I am getting it...!!! Looking fwd to day 5 and day 30 ready to be done!!:happy:
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Wow, I tried level 2 today after 2 days only of level 1 because I get bored easily. BIG mistake!! I'll go with level 1 again for day 4 tomorrow haha.
    Small question: do you work out in the morning or in the evening?
  • macasadiam
    macasadiam Posts: 5
    Starting too.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Just finished day 4. Got up early to do it this morning and I am happy that I got it out of the way all ready. Have a great day everyone!!!
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Small question: do you work out in the morning or in the evening?

    Evening for me! I am on day 4. My back is killing today so I don't think im gunna find it too easy! When does this get easier?! :P
  • momoftwobabes
    momoftwobabes Posts: 4 Member
    I started yesterday and I might add that my legs are way to sore today to do it! I think I will have to go every second day until I get used to it! Wow what a work out! Anyone have any ideas what to do on the in between days to let me legs heal a little but still get a workout?
  • katiemcb09
    katiemcb09 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! I just started this yesterday, and it definitely kicks your butt! I usually do elliptical a few times a week for half an hour, and some weight training, but this works out muscles I forgot I had! I also only have 8 pound weights, so that doesn't help... wayyy too big! Having trouble moving today, but I think I might try day 2... eek! Good luck everyone!
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Small question: do you work out in the morning or in the evening?

    Evening for me! I am on day 4. My back is killing today so I don't think im gunna find it too easy! When does this get easier?! :P

    I'm really looking forward the day it gets easier!!! Day 4 tonight too ;)
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Small question: do you work out in the morning or in the evening?

    Evening for me! I am on day 4. My back is killing today so I don't think im gunna find it too easy! When does this get easier?! :P

    I think it will be easy on day 10... The day before the torture starts all over again!!!:devil:
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Small question: do you work out in the morning or in the evening?

    Evening for me! I am on day 4. My back is killing today so I don't think im gunna find it too easy! When does this get easier?! :P

    I think it will be easy on day 10... The day before the torture starts all over again!!!:devil:

    Did you already see any improvements? I know the three of us are on day 4 so I would like to know if that's just me being terribly impatient or me not doing it right :blushing:
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Oh I'm sorry arsonsmom, you are on day 5, I read too quickly :embarassed: