Fat burners??



  • bepaz10
    bepaz10 Posts: 12 Member
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    I drink about 2 pots a day lol

    This may be part of the problem. Doesn't caffeine spike cortisol?
    I still drink coffee every morning, but a couple of pots a day may be too much.
  • jaxblu143
    jaxblu143 Posts: 18
    Forty6and2 wrote: »
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    Forty6and2 wrote: »
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    Forty6and2 wrote: »
    You should evaluate what your calorie goal is and if it is too low, start eating more. If you can eat more and still be in deficit, that will save you money and the pain of fat burners. If that's going to be too low, try eating filling foods like meat, rice, vegetables, etc and drink plenty of water.

    I can help more if you provide your stats. Like your weight, goal weight, calorie limit, etc.

    I'm 5'9 161 lbs medium frame and I'd like to be 140-142 Let me know if u need any other info! I appreciate it!

    Ok, since you're only looking to lose 20 lbs, maybe try changing your weight loss rate to a half pound per week. This will give you more calories overall (unless you're already at that rate) How many calories are you eating now?

    Mfp has me at 1645 but I have a hard time keeping it at that. But anymore and I feel like I won't lose. I try to stay at 1200 but then wind up binging at some point.

    Read this: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1235566

    For real, eating 1645 will allow you to lose weight. I eat 1690 or so every day and I lose weight. Look at some of the most successful people on MFP, they eat at or above 1600 every day and they look dayum good!

    This might put everything in a little more perspective: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Use this calculator to see your TDEE (how much you burn per day with activity) and this will also tell you how much you should eat per day based on that. I've used this calculator for years and it hasn't failed me
    Thank u for all this!! Just read it all and definitely helped.
  • jaxblu143
    jaxblu143 Posts: 18
    cdn_beaver wrote: »
    You aren't eating the right foods if your insulin levels aren't in check while dieting. Try eating your 1645 calories a day with low carb foods. Eating more often as well so you don't end up binging.
    bepaz10 wrote: »
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    I drink about 2 pots a day lol

    This may be part of the problem. Doesn't caffeine spike cortisol?
    I still drink coffee every morning, but a couple of pots a day may be too much.

    Does cortisol make u hungry?
  • jaxblu143
    jaxblu143 Posts: 18
    Oats can surpress appetites. Apple cider vineger and green tea too.

    Do u just drink the apple cider vinegar? I already drink a lot of green tea and water.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    Why did the oxy elites work so well? I've tried a bunch of other pills and nothing ever worked...but those worked so great. I know it's an easy fix but I don't know what else to do to squash my appetite at this point. I'm a type one diabetic so I know that has something to do with it.

    As a diabetic, you absolutely should NOT be considering taking any of these products.

    Focus on eating to your goals. Drink a lot of water, get enough fiber, have an occasional cup of coffee and exercise. These are the only safe things that are going to work.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    Oats can surpress appetites. Apple cider vineger and green tea too.

    Do u just drink the apple cider vinegar? I already drink a lot of green tea and water.

    Maybe it's just because I hate vinegar, but this made me gag. I would suggest just focusing on calorie deficit and exercise if possible. You might also consider lowering your calories little by little to make it more sustainable for you
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited March 2015
    Oats can surpress appetites. Apple cider vineger and green tea too.

  • verapal
    verapal Posts: 38 Member
    It might sound strange but tend to gain weight when taking fat burners. I feel hungry 24/7 and I am talking about some abnormal and uncontrollable hunger. So, I avoid taking diet pills. Is it just me or there some people feeling the same way?
  • Sydmayn
    Sydmayn Posts: 20 Member
    Heard of Oxyshred?
  • jaxblu143
    jaxblu143 Posts: 18
    I haven't. What is that?

  • Sydmayn
    Sydmayn Posts: 20 Member
    jaxblu143 wrote: »
    I haven't. What is that?

    Fat burner. I've heard lots of good things about it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    My son swears by that oxyshred. However he eats incredibly healthy and strictly and just about lives at the gym....
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Sydmayn wrote: »
    Heard of Oxyshred?

    They also were caught faking reviews.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Sydmayn wrote: »
    Heard of Oxyshred?

    They also were caught faking reviews.


    HaHa that doesn't surprise me! I reckon a lot of companies would slip their own reviews in.