Hello, I'm new here!

hi everyone! My name is Virginia, I'm a 26 year old who is FINALLY about to graduate with my bachelors degree! Anywho, I've gained over 100 lbs since I graduated high school 9 years ago and, although I don't think I'll ever be the same size I was when I was 17, I would like to be healthier and, hopefully, a bit smaller. I've tried every crash diet and they have all yielded horrible results. I'm hoping MFP will simply help me make some lifestyle changes!
I'm hoping to gain some motivating and supportive friends, so hello everyone!


  • william00769
    Hi, Virginia

    I have been using MFP for a couple of months now and have discovered that if I log my meals, then I will loose weight. MFP not only helps you count calories but also gives you insight into the foods you eat and accountability. Also, if your thinking of Cracker Barrel Breakfast, then put it into MFP first, as this may help you decide against it, lol.
  • shivi484
    shivi484 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi sweetheart.... Look! Fad diets do not work!! You need balance! Carbs are NOT bad! Protein veggies and carbs is all you need !! As well as good full body workouts! Deadlifts, squats, bench press, cleans... All work your abs and core so no worrieng about doing 1000 crunches!
  • JBaker1012
    I agree with William. I'm Jasmine. This app helps and I too have gained aloy since high school. I wish you all the best and good luck.
  • aenriquez476
    Hi Virginia,

    As a personal trainer and health coach I'm always happy to see people wanting to make steps in the right direction about their health!! This App has been a great help to me!! I've always been consistent with working out but never really got my diet in-line, and as a personal trainer I guess if I'm gonna talk the talk I'd better damn sure walk the walk!! Haha.
    Eat clean, train mean, and get lean!! And more importantly be HEALTHY!! :) have a great day!!