Add me friends!

started the new year off at 154 pounds and now at 166 with constant meal prep and gym 5 x week . Add me and let's follow each other's progress.


  • ljjuarez
    ljjuarez Posts: 7 Member
    Yo. I just added you
    I'm struggling with being skinny fat right now but I'm gonna go ahead and just put on more size
  • Greezy3
    Greezy3 Posts: 3 Member
    That's tight man, the cool thing about being skinnier is you can eat a lot! So long as it's the right food and lifting period will make your body change fast. Don't be discouraged about size, just eat and lift and your body type (skinny) will take care of the rest
  • cagredat
    cagredat Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new on MFP trying to find friends to motivated each other.!!! Add me
  • xcx67
    xcx67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Been doing this for about a month :) have reached one goal but don't know how to maintain easily. Help xcx