Im getting bored with my routine. :(

HELP! I'm thinking that I may be bored with my routine. I've lost 25lbs since March 1st of this year and in the last 2-3 weeks...nothing. I'm really frustrated because I'm starting to lean towards my old eating habits and then feel awful when I have that cookie or nibble of a food I would not normally touch. Is there any advice to feel like your starting over but really not? I was so motivated when I started my weight loss but now... I'm not that excited about it anymore. Any ideas about new food to try or maybe a kick start exercise regiment to try out? I'll accept anything and I'm not afraid of new things. :)


  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    That's what happened to me , I lost around 20 pounds and then it stopped and time just seemed to go so slowwwwwwww. I just had a little binge was not a good day..but tommorrow will be better.
    I'm barely making changes , I was just doing zumba and 30 day shred I have decided to start walking and gradually start to jog . planning on checking out new foods like tofu . Drinking at least 2 liters of water recent change too.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Time to change your routine! Try some different exercises, maybe a yoga class if you normally to elliptical, or a step aerobics if you tend to do pilates. Changing up your exercise routine will throw your body off a bit and bump up your metabolism, plus give your mind something new to focus on.

    As far as food, allow yourself the treat from time to time. Complete denial of anything you love is going to lead to a binge at some point. Allow yourself one cookie (or even a half, if they're big) if you've had a great week, or a great day even, of keeping on track. Find some yummy fruits to throw in when you want a sweet. And there's nothing wrong with changing up your food routine either! Try out new stuff, you can eat all sorts of foods on a diet as long as you know what goes into them and watch your portion sizes. Food isn't the enemy!

    You've done a great job so far! 25 lbs is something to be proud of! Don't give up, just mix it up a bit for some new variety in life!
  • freshy_cutie
    That's usual for diet process....(from my experience in the past anyway)....our body is quite smart so it gets used to our habit and adapt accordingly i.e. if we only cut calories without exercises, our body will get used to the small amount of calories and once we eat more, the fat return very quickly (so called yo-yo effect)... I totally understand that it's hard to keep ourselves motivated especially after you have lost as much as 25lbs. I would recommend not to be too concern about the weight (since if you think about it all the time, you will get frustrated if you can't lose the weight as quickly as you did before). You should change your routine of exercise, may be something exciting like....dancing!? and new healthy Japanese (delicious and low fat content) :) Good luck!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Try reading this:
    I ache ALL the time. My knees, my hip, and especially my feet! Gotta be all the extra weight. I hate mirrors, and the way I look. To me, I'm disgusting. I just don't "feel" sexy anymore. I'm in my 30's and feel like the most unattractive woman in the world. Gotta fix this. Do it for me!!
    Sound familiar? Sounds to me like someone just needs to say that over and over to herself!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I think only you can make yourself want to keep pushing through. Read your profile everyday to remind yourself why you're doing this. Pull out pics of you at your heaviest and post them around your house to remind yourself of two things. One, where you don't ever want to be again. Two, how hard you've worked to get where you are. You also you need to remind yourself that you are doing this to be healthy...not just to lose weight. So if you're continuing to eat healthy and exercise, but the scale doesn't budge for a couple weeks...big deal. You're still being healthy. Why would you want to go back to being unhealthy just because the scale hasn't moved in a couple weeks? As for why the scale isn't moving. How many calories are you eating? Are you eating enough? Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're not, then maybe you should try that and see how it works for you. If you are then maybe you should try upping your calories in general for a while. If your goal is set to 1.5 lbs per week then maybe you should just set it to 1 lb per week for a while and see how that goes. Sounds counterproductive, but sometimes it's what you need. Mostly, just don't give up. You can do this. It might not be easy, but it's worth it. You are worth it.
  • Pandabear79
    Upon reading what you just posted... I cried. I was thinking...that sounds like something that I would write. Go figure. Thank you so much for reminding me the true reason for my battle. This is my war and I'm going to win it.

    Gotta fix this. Do it for me!