Stubborn parts?

I'm curious, do you have a specific body part that doesn't seem to look any better, even if you are actively losing weight/seeing good results? I'm not referring to loose skin from weight loss, or anything like that. I'm referring to one area where you just can't seem to see much change.

My clothes are starting to fit better and I can see changes in my upper body and maybe even in my stomach. My butt and thighs are not getting the memo.


  • evitamac
    evitamac Posts: 22 Member
    My legs are still BIG (measurements are pretty much the same) but I know I've gained a lot of muscle there, so that's definitely why. And I love my big legs! Maybe you are doing lot's of squats? :smiley:

    Either way, if it's fat it will go away, keep working out and eating well and you will see results there too. It's a matter of time. And patience. And hard work :wink:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I have seen progress in all parts of my body. How ever my stomach definitely lags. Now that I'm closer to my goal I'm starting to see progress there but my legs and arms definitely lost a lot faster.