Starting over

I have been on various diets most of my life and now I am 48 years old and really desire a change in my eating habits. My husband is very supportive and so are my two boys10 and 8. I would love some simple fast recipes for dinners as I work full time. Also some encouragement that this can be done. Thanks


  • emmiloulaub
    emmiloulaub Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! I work full time also and sometimes get a little slack come to dinner time you can add me if you would like, and need encouragement
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    The Crock Pot is a wonderful invention. I've made tons of stuff in there with minimal effort & all low cal! :)
  • metromutts
    metromutts Posts: 3 Member
    I've spent the past year cleaning up our diets and trying to eat cleaner and healthier. I'm new to MyFitnessPal too so not sure how we "friend" each other. But please do! I'd be happy to share easy recipes with you.
  • jvborrego
    I am new too so just playing with everything and I have no idea how to friend someone. Any help anyone
  • metromutts
    metromutts Posts: 3 Member
    I just sent you a friend request :)